Part 4: The Escapee

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Alana's POV:
"Thanks," Alec mumbled.
"Welcome," I replied.
"I came here to tell you that we need to leave for my sister's coronation soon. She's being crowned queen today, since I am no longer able to handle the position. Would you mind hunting afterwards?" I asked him.
"Anything for you, princess," he said in his silky smooth voice. I giggled. I flicked my wand, and we were in my room at the palace. I opened my closet, and picked out a poofy pink dress with a sweetheart neckline; a perfect match for my bubbly personality. I rummaged in my closet, and found a sleek, black suit for Alec. I waved my wand and in an instant we were in the outfits I had chosen.
"You look......breathtaking," he said in awe. I blushed. Since I am royal, I'm used to the attention I get from men, but with him it's different. With him I actually feel the same way. He looked dashing in the black suit. It went well with his black hair and pale skin.
"You look.........good," I managed to choke out before erupting into a fit of giggles. I was a horrible flirt. My sister, on the other hand, was an expert. We walked hand in hand down the hallway, and into the throne room. There were fairies of all shapes and sizes surrounding my sister. Most of the women were wearing big, fluffy dresses like myself. The men were wearing colorful suits that matched their wing color. My sister was sitting on the throne, in a long, tight red dress with a v-neck. She had on dark red lipstick, and her dark hair was in a braided bun, with a single red rose braided into her hair. She was only fifteen, but she looked much older, almost my age. We applauded as the crown was lowered onto her head.
"I now pronounce you queen of the fairies!" The man announced.
Soon after, dancing broke out.
"Would you like to dance?" Alec asked me. I blushed.
"Umm s-sure," I stuttered.
"What's wrong?" He asked as he led me to the ballroom.
"Nothing," I answered. The truth is, I was nervous. I wasn't nervous about the dancing; I had attended many balls, and danced with numerous suitors. I was nervous about dancing with Him. I had never danced with someone I actually liked before. I guess you could say I'm picky. We began to dance. He put his hands on my waist, and I put my hands around his neck. It was a slow song. I turned my neck to try to sneak a peek at my sister. I wanted to see who she had chosen for her first dance. I looked around, but she was nowhere to be found. Then, I saw the tip of a white wing as someone flew out the door. I broke away from Alec, and flew after her. She was headed towards the queen's bedchamber, where the secret door is located.
"Jade!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. If I knew my sister, she was going to get revenge on the vampire that bit me. She's very protective over me, even though she's three years younger than me. She ignored me, and flew into the doorway to the other realms. She sealed it behind her, so I couldn't follow her. I sat on my bed and began crying. Alec walked in on me. He sat down next to me, and wiped away my tears.
"I heard what happened," he said. I just nodded.
"I told everyone that the ceremony is over," he said, trying to comfort me. I began crying onto his shoulder. His eyes turned a dark black color, and he used his vampire speed to pull away from me quickly.
"I-I'm l-losing control!" He choked out. I just stared back at him as he looked at me hungrily.
"I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!" He screamed and he took off running. I shut my door, and changed into a green tank top and black sweatpants. I wasn't really worried about Alec at the moment. I was too upset about Jade. Everyone I've ever loved has disappeared. My mom and my dad both disappeared one day, and I couldn't handle losing Jade too. I turned on the tv, and began watching a rerun of my favorite show, to help keep my mind off Jade. After the show was over, Alec came back in the room, and his eyes were now a golden color.
"Sorry about that. I shouldn't have put off hunting for so long," he said with a worried expression.
"It's fine," I said, a few more tears escaping my eyes.
Suddenly, the clock in my room chimed, and I realized it was night, and I was about to change forms. Before I could change, Alec poured a baggy of blood in my mouth, and my hair returned to it's golden color.
"I saved you some deer blood," he said.
"Thanks," I whispered as I got underneath the covers. He lied down beside me, and put his arms around me.
"Everything's going to be ok," he whispered, and I drifted off to sleep.

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