Part 6: Meet the Parents

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Asher's POV:
I picked up the girl, and laid her down in the back of my red convertible. She was beautiful, and I wanted her to be mine. I was going to be king within a week, and I needed a queen. I had originally chosen her sister, but Jade was so much more. She actually had a brain, and was already a good fighter. She could help us wipe out the fairies once and for all. All I had to do was wait for her to wake up. After our victims are bitten, all they can remember is their name and age. I stopped the car at the edge of a forest, and slung the girl over my shoulder. I headed towards the secret door that only vampires can see. I knew the fairies had one of these too, but I didn't know where. I stepped into the door, and walked into my room back at the vampire castle. I laid her down on the red, velvet couch and strode out of the room. I walked into the throne room, where my mother and father were conversing.
"Welcome back, son! Did you find the runaway bride you were trying to locate?"
"No, father. I found someone better. Come to my chambers and see for yourself." My mother smiled, showing her fangs.
"Oh how wonderful! I'm so happy for you!"
Just then, I noticed the similarities between my mother and my new fiance. They both had the same, red lips, and dark hair. My father had also chosen a fairy for his bride.
"It's just a coincidence," I thought to myself.
I led my father into my bedroom.
"She's breathtaking," my father said, and smiled.
Just then, the girl bolted upright.
"Where am I?"

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