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Life and death.

Two words with the completely opposite meanings. They say the line between life and death is very thin, don't they?

Life is being able to breathe. To wake up, fill your lungs with oxygen and open your eyes to the world around you. I never knew much about life-I still don't. I don't think people realize they don't know anything about life until it's gone from you. Life is meant to be lived, day by day, to be enjoyed and made the most of-because, as has been so infamously repeated, you only get one life and if you screw it up, that's it, you're screwed.

Death is something that I once pondered about a lot. It's something a lot of people think about in their lives. They make it seem like life was granted to us so that we may wonder what death is like, what would happen if, and when, we encounter death, and how we reach death. Death is not appealing to many people, no. Death is scary, death is no life, no breath; death is no light.

In life we must love. We must love to our full capacity and not regret it.

Love and regret.

There is no sure definition of love. I experienced love myself, yet I could never explain it. Love is an emotion but it is much more than a simple emotion, and I shall leave it at that.

Regret? Well, I haven't had much experience with regret but I do regret some things. Things I did in my life that may very well have changed the course of my life or they might have not. Regret is regret. Regret is wishing. Wishing to take back a mistake-my mistake, my greatest mistake.

And finally, we have happiness and sadness.

Almost a parallel to life and death. Happiness and sadness are opposites and there is no close line between the two-or so I believe.

I experienced happiness-so much happiness. Almost as inexplicable as love and sometimes uncontainable. After love, happiness is probably what we most search for. But in love we can find happiness as well. Happiness can actually be found from many things-so many things-like brown hair and eyes, a glowing smile, or a sunshine.

Sadness formed a large part of my life. I almost became one with sadness at one point, until I became one with death instead.

I know of a story. A story that has all of these things-life, death, love, regret, happiness, and sadness. I haven't told this story before. I'm almost scared to. Seeing it's events in front of me as if I was there watching as it all happened-like a movie.

I'm going to tell it to you.

A fair warning, this is not one of those happily ever after kind of stories. No, this isn't one of those. Those kinds of stories, I believe, do not exist. They never have and they never will. But that is how life is.

So, I'm going to tell you this story.

Take from it what you will.

I'm going to tell you the story of Calum Hood and Raegan Ellis.

AN: Hello there friends! I'm hoping you all will like this story. Feedback is very much appreciated and thank you so much for reading, if you have xx

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