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Raegan didn't end up going back to college when the summer was over. She managed to get a job, however, and had been working the entire summer. She worked at a diner near where she lived and though it wasn't the ideal job it paid fairly well.

Raegan had been working at the diner for almost two years now and she enjoyed it a lot. Her boss was actually a decent person, her co-workers were nice and she got on with them well and for the most part, the customers were nice.

She had saved up most of her money from every paycheck, rarely ever spending any on herself—unless it was food or when she was out with Calum. Over time she had quite a bit saved up. She didn't need much money, since she was living with her parents, but she helped them out with whatever she could and saved the rest of it for future use.

That day, Raegan's shift ended a little earlier than other days since she had worked overtime every day the previous week. Raegan didn't mind if she had to work extra time, she was glad to actually.

Calum was off doing things with his band, touring, radio interviews and shows, meet and greets, all of the things that came with being in a famous band. She was really proud of him and Michael, Ashton and Luke. She had met them when being in a band and touring around the world was just a dream. She had seen that dream become a reality and she was so happy for them.

Obviously that meant that Raegan and Calum couldn't see much of each other when he was on tour and doing other things. Since Raegan was no longer in school she didn't have much else to do, so working extra time gave her something to do—as well as adding a bit more money to her paycheck.

Raegan and Calum had been dating for almost three years now and she could see them being together for a very long time. Though they probably wouldn't struggle with money because of Calum and his career, Raegan didn't want to mooch off of his hard work.

She wanted to work hard so that she could provide for them just as much. It obviously took her much more work to do so but she really didn't mind. Calum was working so she should work too. It was only fair, she thought.

At the end of her shift that day, Raegan's manager called her in to speak with her. He had never called her to speak to her like this before so it left Raegan feeling very nervous. She went over the things she had done that week to try and think if she had done something wrong or messed something up. Her mind came up empty, however, and she couldn't think of anything that her manager would call her in for.

Raegan hoped it wasn't anything too serious but she figured with her luck she was practically screwed. It could be anything and Raegan wasn't prepared for what her manager would tell her.

"Hi Raegan, how are you today?" her manager, Rick, asked.

Raegan knew he was only trying to be polite but the meaningless small talk was making her feel very awkward. Couldn't he just get to the point and end her anxiousness already?

"I'm well," Raegan answered, awkwardly shifting in her seat.

"Right, well, no point in wasting time. I'm just going to get to the point here..."

Raegan listened intently to what Rick was telling her, growing more and more confused as the words poured out of his mouth. She couldn't believe what Rick was telling her.

Apparently, over the time Raegan had worked there, Rick had received numerous complaints concerning Raegan. She had been very rude to many customers—getting easily mad or irritated with them, seeming quite apathetic, aggressive, agitated, seeming very sad and working too slow, not concentrating on her work, seeming to believe she was superior to them, seeming disconnected and having an overall depressing mood.

Ray Of Light [C.H.]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora