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Calum and Raegan had been living in their apartment together for around a month now and it had been absolutely fantastic so far. It was a fairly large apartment, sort of like a small house and it was quite lovely.

Of course, Calum and Raegan were like any normal couple, they argued occasionally and ignored each other when they were mad but they easily made up and went back to how they previously were. They were in love and they really couldn't accept being too mad at one another for such a long time.

They needed to be together all the time, whether that was wrapped up in a blanket on the couch or cooking their meal for the day in the kitchen-Raegan cooking and Calum trying to wipe food on her face. They were simply happy to be together and they wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

As of late, however, Raegan had grown a little worried about what would happen when Calum would have to go on tour with his band again. 5 Seconds of Summer had tremendously grown and Calum had told her it was the biggest tour they had ever done.

She was proud of Calum-and Ashton, Luke and Michael-there was no questioning it. They deserved to have become so successful in doing what they most loved in the entire world. Why shouldn't they be rewarded for all their hard work?

Raegan was simply worried for herself. Calum would be leaving in five months and would be gone for eight. She had never been away from Calum for such a long period of time-more than half the year.

Yes, she remembered when she and Calum didn't live together and when they had first started dating that they rarely had time to see each other due to their contrasting schedules but that had been when Raegan was still in school. Even then they still managed to see each other every weekend and when Calum would be on tour, he wouldn't be gone for more than a few months.

Raegan didn't want to be classified as the clingy girlfriend who couldn't go a day without her boyfriend but this wasn't a day. It was going to be for eight months. Even then, some people would probably tell her to suck it up and be happy for him-to support him and let him go and live his dream.

She tried to convince herself many times that eight months wouldn't be so bad and it wasn't like she wasn't supporting him or keeping him from going out and living his dream. On the contrary, she pushed him a lot of times, when he doubted himself and questioned whether what he and his friends were doing was worth all the trouble.

Of course it was. Raegan had seen it in them from the very start and, like I had mentioned before, she wholeheartedly agreed that they deserved all their success-Calum deserved it.

Raegan didn't want to be clingy but she knew she would resort to loneliness without Calum there by her side. When they had first started dating she hadn't been living with Calum. She didn't see him every day and she had her college friends to keep her company.

Things were different now. She wasn't in college anymore and had lost touch with her friends. Apart from that, she didn't have a job either, since she had gotten fired from her last one. She was still upset about that.

Raegan and Calum spent almost every waking moment together and it was going to be hard getting used to not seeing him at all. Of course she still had time left. There were still five months they had to get through before the tour and Raegan was definitely going to cherish every single day she had left with Calum before he left.

Calum had been out all day doing interviews with his band and that had left Raegan home alone doing all the chores that needed to be done. If he were here, Calum would normally help Raegan and they would do it together. It was much more fun that way and less of a chore but Raegan understood and didn't get mad if he wasn't home to spend every second of the day with her.

Ray Of Light [C.H.]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant