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Calum and Raegan eventually dated, as you probably could have guessed, after all this is the reason why I'm telling you their story. Anyway, they started dating when they were both nineteen, almost two years after they had first met.

Raegan had become very good friends with all the boys now, after almost two years of knowing them. They called her their number one fan though she wasn't just a fan of theirs anymore. She was a friend, practically a sister at this point—except to Calum of course.

She didn't get to see them every day anymore though. She never really did see them since she went to a different school than them. Apart from that, they had dropped out of school by this time anyway. They had really been working on their music and Raegan understood that.

All their hard work did pay off in the end, when they got to go touring with One Direction. Raegan was one of the first people they told and she was extremely proud them.

Raegan had seen the guys practice in their garages and play in small cafés around town, but when she went to see them in an actual concert for the first time, she was blown away. Seeing them live on an actual—not to mention, huge—stage was amazing.

She would imagine them being incredibly nervous or scared they might mess up or that people wouldn't like their sound but when they got out there and began the first song, Raegan could see that was the boys' element. They lived for those moments up on stage.

Like I said before, Raegan was really, really proud of all of them.

Now, apart from all the madness of touring and songwriting and producing music during the past two years, it was quite evident that Calum had a crush on Raegan. Well, it was more than just a crush. A crush was more like something kids in middle school dealt with.

Calum seemed to be between that stage where you really, really, really like someone but don't quite love them yet. Though everyone else was sure Calum was in love with Raegan, he assured them he wasn't there yet.

But Calum was a brave lad and though he didn't love Raegan he let her know just how much he liked her. He openly admitted it to her one day and he wasn't even scared of what she would think. He possibly wasn't even afraid to be rejected.

He simply sat down next to her one day after the band had their practice and told her.

"Hey, Rae, I have to tell you something," he said, not a single word was stuttered and no nervousness could be sensed off of him. That was probably why Raegan wasn't expecting the next words that came out of Calum's mouth. "I really, really, really like you, like a lot. I have for a while and you needed to know, so that is why I'm telling you."

Raegan was somewhat shocked and confused because some part of her thought Calum was just being silly as always and just messing with her. But apparently he wasn't and when Raegan finally comprehended what he had told her, she let out a chuckle and thanked him for letting her know.

Raegan really admired Calum for that. She knew she would never be able to do something like that if she wasn't a hundred percent sure the person would say the same in return. Raegan wasn't as brave or daring as Calum and she loved that about him.

It took her a while to even admit it to herself but Raegan came around eventually. After admitting to herself that she, indeed, did like Calum, it took her a while to figure out whether she liked him because he liked her or because she actually did like him.

You see, Raegan wasn't a regular girl, no. If anything she was ten times more complicated than the average female. Not only did she had trouble admitting to herself that she liked a guy, but she also questioned whether her liking of him was real or not.

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