Who's the Grand Master Templar?

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Looking for a descendant of Arno Victor Dorian, in a small town I overheard a conversation about a man in a hood who lived in the woods. I went to go check it out.

"Are you who the people call 'The Man in the Hood'?" I asked as a boy around my age came out of his house.

"You're pretty good." He told me.

"Come with me if--" I was interrupted by his sword pointing to my face.

"Who are you? How'd you find me? Why are you wearing a hood as well?" He asked. I quickly stepped back and explained as best I could.

"You're family came from a group of heroes called Assassins. We Assassins want to save this world and bring it peace. While Templars: our enemy want to control this world. I found you using an ability called Eagle Vision. I'm wearing a hood because it represents our Order." I explained.

"So these Templars are they coming?" He asked.

"Most likely. You are on their list after all." I told him.

All of a sudden, guards surrounded us. And a Tall bearded man walked toward us.

"So you must be Daniel. Nice to finally meet the thorn on my side." He said.

"So you must be the Grand Master." I guessed.

"Yes and you're one of the Assassins I want dead." He explained.

"What made you come after the Assassins instead of getting control?" I asked.

"To deal with the thorn in their side, one most know the ways and skills of the thorn." He explained and he showed me a hidden blade, one that was very familiar.

"Where. Did. You. Get. That?" I asked trying to not get mad.

"Oh this? I found an Assassin trying to kill me. As you can see, he failed miserably. He disappeared after he lost." He said.

Jess, I love you so much more right now. I thought to myself.

"Well then nice meeting you. I'll kill you later." I told him and dropped a smoke bomb, shot about five of the ten guards, and ran with the rookie Assassin.

We were so close to a secret passage way til, the Grand Master shot my shoulder, leg, and hidden blade forearm.

"By the way Assassin, I don't miss. Tell your Order I'll be seeing you soon." He said and we made it to the passage way.

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