Three Legends

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"OWWW!!! JESS I SWEAR IF YOU'RE MAKING IT HURT ON PURPOSE, YOU'RE DEAD!!!" I screamed as Jess sewed up my wounds.

"Daniel, you must be more careful next time." Said Mentor.

"Yeah or we'll have to have more sewing lessons." Jess laughed.

"Enough Jessica." Mentor told her.

"Where's John?" I asked.

Mentor pointed me to him. He was close to death he was covered with scars, blood, and his entire arm in a cast.

"John you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine but, dude what happened to you?" He asked.

"It's a long story." I told him.

"He said 'The day has come for the world to see the war that has been happening for almost forever. I'll show them what control is.' I think he plans to expose Templars and Assassins to the world." He explained.

"Who is he?" I asked.

"A Sage. You can tell if you pay attention to his eyes." Said Mentor which reminded me of the Templar's gold and silver eyes.

"Daniel, I hate to break it to you but, in your condition you're not able to do anything until you've recovered. Other brothers and sisters and I will find the descendant of Connor. You educate our Arno over there and heal soon." Jess said and kissed me as she left.

Wow, didn't expect that. I thought to myself.

I walked up to the Novice and explained our history.

"So I'm part French is what you're saying?" He asked.

"Yes, yes you are." I answered.

"So, who's Edward and Connor Kenway? how are they related?" He asked.

"Edward was a Pirate turned Assassin because of his thirst for Glory. He lost his crew, friends, wife, and everything a man could lose. Connor is the grandson of Edward who wanted to bring peace and protect his village. Sadly he couldn't do both. Edward's heart of sailing passed to Connor and both were great sailors and Assassins." I explained.

"Wow." He said in shock.

"Yeah. So, all we need now is--" I was inturpted by an Assassin handing me a letter.

Dear Assassin, I have the woman you love, along with some fellow brothers and sisters and an descendant of Connor Kenway. You want them? Come find me. Oh and don't worry I won't kill them. I'm just gonna hurt them... Really... Really... Bad.

I talked to the Mentor.

"Daniel your wounds have not yet healed you must stay here!" He yelled.

I grabbed a spare hidden blade and was heading off til, Mentor grabbed me.

"I won't let them die because of me. He wants me he'll get me. I'm not dying til I save her." I said and Mentor let me go.

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