Johnathan Rade

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Seeing a building in the distance, I used my Eagle Vision to see who was inside. I saw the rest of the Assassins as well as the descendant of Connor.

The second floor, I saw Jess and the Templar. Jess was tortured and bruised all over. It was sick.

"You've held out against bullets, knives, heat, bone popping, blood dripping pain, yet you still won't tell me where is Daniel. Why are you being so stubborn?" He asked.

"Because I'd rather have you kill me than let you hurt Daniel." She answered.

"Well, then where is he now?" He asked.

"Right behind you." I answered.

Jess smiled weakly and the Templar drew out his sword, ready to fight.

"So you're Daniel huh? Nice to finally meet Johnathan's problem." He explained.

"Johnathan? That's the Sage's name is it? You're going to tell me everything you know about him." I told him.

"And if I don't?" He asked.

"You will, you have to." I answered.

We clashed. I had to stay very focused on what he does, I was still wounded and my hidden blade hand was still in pain from the stitches. I saw an opening and sliced his chest.

As he was down, I stabbed him in his chest, not in any organs but, it still hurt like crazy.

"Now, tell me what you know." I demanded.

"His name is Johnathan Rade. He's heard of your existence way before you were even born. You have an ability to fight, speak, and act like Legendary Assassins before you. He plans to bring the war out in public, show the world and let them decide on who's really in the right." He explained.

"You know what that means, what that could cause!?" I asked.

"Yes but, I was afraid. The way he fights, the way he does things, it's crazy. I just did what I had to so my son could live. I know you can't let me live, I understand that, so here take this. It's a note full of Intel and... and a request." He explained and gave me the letter.

"I'll take care of things here, friend." I told him as I activated my blade and stabbed him.

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