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Summer's POV:
As I walked into my homeroom class with Christie, I noticed Jacob was in my class. There were only two open seats left in class, one next to Jacob and the other in the way front.
"Hey Summer. I'll sit in the front, I know this teacher well. It would be better," Christie whispered to me.
"Are you sure?" I whispered back.
She gave me a head nod and went to sit down in the front while I went to sit down by Jacob.

Jacob's POV:
I saw the new girl walk in with.. Christie? I think.
Wow that girl is really pretty I thought.
I have to get to know her.
"Hey," I said to her.
She just looked at me.

Summer's POV:
Jacob leaned over and said "Hey" to me. I went in a mini panic in my head.
"Hey," I replied with a slight smile.
He smiled back.
God his smile is handsome. I love that little crooked smile. I thought to myself.
"I'm Jacob," he said.
"I'm Summer."
"That's beautiful," he said all cute like.
"Thanks," I replied.

At lunch Christie and I sat down in the courtyard together and talked about everything. I really missed talking to her. Then Christie gasped.
"What?!" I asked.
She just looked right at me with her jaw dropped.
"Do I have something in my teeth?" I asked kinda confused.
"Oh no. It's just that Jacob is walking over here."
"What?!" I said slowly looking behind me.
And there he was, walking straight towards out table.
"Hey," Jacob said.
"Hey... Jacob," I replied kind of confused.
"I'll leave you two alone," said Christie with a slight giggle in her tone.
I looked back at her wide eyed and she winked at me and gave me the thumbs up.
"So what's up?" I asked.
"I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the movies with me?" Jacob said. That surprised me. It was only my first day and the cutest most popular and smartest guy is already asking me out.
"But you just met me," I replied, "how can you already be asking me out?"
"Well, I can tell that you are smart, you are already beautiful and I can tell that you are funny.  So, I want to get to know you."
That made me blush.
"JACOB?!" I heard this girl scream.
"Marie," he said calmly, " I am just asking Summer here if she will go out with me."
"WHAT?! BUT I'M YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" she shouted.  My eyes just went wide in shock at how quickly this happened, how loud Marie is, and how Jacob is so calm. 
"No, you WERE my girlfriend. But since you cheated on me with Nate, I had no choice but to end it. So goodbye." Jacob replied calmly and sternly at the same time.
Marie stormed off and grunted.
"I'm so sorry Summer. Marie is probably just jealous that I have already moved on." Jacob then reached for both my hands.
"So, I never got an answer," he said, "yes or no to the movies?"
Jacob then held my hands and kissed them and said "See you later."
I was practically in mere shock at what had just happened.

Jacob's POV:
As I was walking away from the courtyard, I realized I never asked for her number. I guess I'll ask her later.
So what do y'all think so far? Please like and recommend this story to others please! ily

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