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After a few moments of being outside with Jacob, me wrapped in his arms, him still holding me, I whisper "I love you" into his ear and give him a peck on the check. I jump down from being in his arms and intertwine my fingers in his and lead him inside.

We head to the living room and sit down.

"So, what did you think of my homecoming proposal?" Jacob asks.

"I thought," I said, pretending to be in deep thought, then slowly looking at him and a smile creeps onto my face," it was amazing." My smile grew wider and I leaned in and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. I left my lips lingering on the edge of his for a moment to make him want more, before getting up and heading to the kitchen.

"Hey! What are you doing?" he yells from the living room.

"Just getting some snacks and drinks," I screamed back.

A few moments later, I hear him walk into the kitchen and take a seat on a stool at the island. I take out a microwave popcorn pack and plop it in the microwave. I set the time for 2 minutes 30 seconds and turn to look at Jacob. His blue eyes staring at me as if he was trying to figure me out.

"What are you staring at?" I ask looking away, my face blushing. In the corner of my eye, I see Jacob smirk a little and look down at the counter.

"Just admiring how pretty you look right now."

By now, my face is probably tomato red. I look down at my outfit, I am wearing black leggings, my black over-sized New York sweatshirt, white socks, and my hair is in a messy low ponytail. He thinks this is pretty? I look up at him with a questionable look. All he does it stare at me and smirk.

We are silent for a bit until the popcorn is done. The beeping of the microwave breaks the silence between us. I take out the popcorn and put it in a bowl.

"Can you grab a water for me and whatever you want from the fridge in the laundry room?" I ask him. He nods and gets up and heads to get us drinks.

I take the popcorn and head to the living room and get on our big chair that can fit two people. A few moments later, I hear Jacob coming. I peer over my should and smile at him as he hands me my water.

"Thank you!" I exclaim smiling. He smiles back. I pat my hand next to me, signaling for him to sit down by me. I grab a white soft throw and put that on top of us. I place the popcorn in between us.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I ask him.

"Sure, what do you want to watch?"

"Humm," I say as I get up to go look at the movies we have, "we can watch 'The Longest Ride' or How To Lose a Guy in Ten Days'. Which one do you pick?" I say placing the movies in front of my face, covering only my nose and mouth, and wiggling both my eyebrows. Jacob laughs and points towards a movie, I look at it, "How To Lose a Guy in Ten Days".

"Great choice!"

I go back and sit down next to him. He puts his right arm over my shoulders and I lean into him. Being with him just makes me feel so warm and safe. While the movie is playing, I am eating my popcorn. I notice that Jacob hasn't eaten much of the popcorn. Has he fallen asleep?

I look up, and I see that instead of him watching the movie, he watching me.

"Why are you staring?" I say blushing and looking back at the movie. All he does is give a slight chuckle and a kiss the top of my head.

Once we, I mean I, finished the popcorn, I placed the bowl down on the glass coffee table in front of us. I then lean back into the chair and snuggled up to Jacob again. Towards the end of the movie, I notice that I start to drift off. Minutes later, I let sleep sweep me up and take me. Jacob sees that I am asleep and turns the TV volume down. Jacob, moving carefully so that he doesn't wake me, lays down and wraps his arms around me. Now, we are both asleep.

It is nearing 2:00 in the morning, and I am startled awake by my mom. My mom and dad are divorced and I live with my mom.

"Mom?" I say looking at the clock, "What are you doing getting back so late?" I ask, slowly getting up, careful not to wake Jacob up. My mom and I head to the kitchen.

"I had to talk with my boss at the firm about what to do with this client for his case," she started while getting some water and ice from the fridge.  "It took a group of us to figure out what to do. We stayed at the firm longer than we wanted and expected." It takes my mom 45 minutes to get from home to work everyday. She normally arrives home before ten, so this case must be huge.

"Who is the boy?" my mom asks changing the subject, with a slight smirk on her face, as she picks up her water and sips it, eyebrows raised.

"That is Jacob," I say, realizing that I never told my mom about him.

She works from 7:00 in the morning till around 9:00 at night everyday, so I never see her often, and I never update her on what is going on in my life. She wakes up and leaves for work before I wake up, and comes home after I have fallen asleep usually. She rarely ever has time off, not even on weekends.

So, I tell her everything, from our first meeting, to our first date, to our hiking day together, to us making up "our sign" during his football practice, to his homecoming proposal, and to the first time we said "I love you" to each other.

The whole time I am telling my story, my mom looks so interested and so tired at the same time. After I finish, my mom looks at me, smiles, then starts to cry.

"Mom? What's wrong?" I ask.

She waves her hand and covers her mouth.

"I just wish I was there for you more. I wish I was more involved in your life."

I go around the island and hug my mom.

"It's ok Mom. I know you have to work, and I know it's hard to support both of us just on your own." My mom looks up at me with her tear stained tired eyes, and gives me a "thank you" smile.

"Why don't you go to bed mom. It's late and you had a hard day." She smiles at me, blows her nose, wipes her eyes, and comes and gives me a hug.

"What about this," she starts, "this Sunday, how about I take the day off and we can hang out and catch up? How does that sound?"

"That sounds amazing Mom," I say smiling. I can't wait for my day with her Sunday. We haven't had a mother-daughter day in a while.

She gives me another quick hug and kiss on the check goodbye before heading to her room to go to sleep.

I head back to the living room, and Jacob is still asleep. I decide not to wake him, so instead I place the throw over him, turn off the TV, and kiss him on the forehead. I head upstairs to my bathroom and I wash my face and brush my teeth. I put on my school's navy blue sweatpants and climb in bed. I get under the soft plush covers, and doze off to sleep again.


- Hope y'all are enjoying this story as much as I am enjoying writing it :)

- Don't forget to vote for this chapter, very much appreciated!

- What do y'all think of Shawn and Summer ? Cute right?

- ENJOY :))

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