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Summer's POV:
As Jacob left my side, Christie walked over almost immediately.
"What happened?" she asked me. She must of see the reaction on my face. I was in mere shock.
"Jacob asked me out," I replied.
Christie gasped.
"OMG Summer! That's great!--- What's wrong?"
"Christie, I don't know if I can move on yet. After what happened between Thomas and I."
"Oh Summer. It'll be ok. I'm sure Thomas will understand."
I looked at her with my thank you face and she smiled and nodded at me.
Later that night I called Thomas to tell him what happened. Luckily he was happy for me. After we both hung up, I just laid on my bed and thought about my future here and my past in Colorado.
Then I got a text from a number I didn't recognize.
Sorry this chapter is shorter than the others. But I can't wait to show y'all the next one! ily

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