The Girl / Running with Sam

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Washington DC, Sep 2013
Steve was doing his morning laps as usual, only this time in DC instead of NYC, running past the same guy multiple times, always warning: "On your left" until the guy was pretty annoyed-amused. Later, after having a chitchat, Natasha suddenly came by in a car he had never seen, gave an oh-so-hilarious joke about his age - as if she was one to speak - and only on the way to the SHIELD airbase gave him an explanation. "Clint called", the redhead explained, "we're needed in NYC ASAP"

Stark Tower, New York, Sep 2013
"Sir, Ms Papadeiou requested Docror Banner's and your immediate presence in the lobby." JARVIS sounded through the room. With a semi-angered sigh Tony made his way down, Banner and Barton in tow. Why the archer wanted to come was beyond the engineer, but he did not really care anyway.
In the lobby they were greeted eith the sight of a pretty hysterical Helena Papadeiou and a red haired girl that was bleeding all over the carpet. Immediately Bruce slipped into doctor-mode and checked the girl for the graveness of the bullet wound in her shoulder, while Tony did his best to make the secretary calm down. Clint meanwhile listened ro the frantic babbling of the girl. "Guys, that's russian. Whatever this is, I'll call Natasha, she'll most likely kbow more than I." At the mention of Natasha's name the girl's head snapped up and she stared at him with eyes he knew all too well. It couldn't be, could it? "Natalia? Natalia Romanova?", now that she stobbed babbling the girl's faint russian accent came through. "Who are you, girl?" Clint asked in Russian. Upon speaking the girl pushed the red hair, that was a few nuances lighter than Natasha's, out of her face and straightened her back as much as possible. "Natja-- ahh. Curse you" she hissed the last part as Banner started stitching her up. The doctor only smiled at her and Clint decided to wait for Nat.

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