To Kill a Hydra

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Stark Tower, New York, Oct 2013
Half a month had passed since they found out about HYDRA still existing. Two weeks that had been spent with planning and gathering intel and getting together all they knew to be on their side. The bilance was pretty sober. "So we don't know how to get rid of HYDRA once and for all and our forces are basically Coulson and his team, Fury, Hill, Peggy, Zoey, Alex, Bucky and us Avengers, did I get that right?" Steve asked and everyone gave affirmative nods. "But we know the enemy", Alexandra threw in. Then Jane spoke up. "In greek mythology Hercules defeated the Hydra by beheading her and then burn the stumps so that no new heads could grow. Which allowed him to reach the middle head, the one that would kill it." Fury and Hill exchanged a glance, then the Director said: "Gear up, we leave at dawn." "Gear up for what?" Tony asked blunt as always. "To cut off the middle head."

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