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Stark Tower, New York, Sep 2013
"Hey", Clint greeted Nat with a small kiss before leading her to the room where they had brought the mysterious girl. At the door stood Bucky. "Didn't wanna go in alone, incase she triggered something, ya know? And Lex is still in Scotland..." Nat smiled. "Sure, you know me. We managed to work together before" Bucky laughed, while Clint did his best not to flinch. He knew what Natasha played at. The Black Widow and the Winter Soldier had been a thing back in the sixties. It was not something he tend to think about. The red haired assassin brusged her hand against his before entering. "I'm the Black Widow. Who are you and what brings you here?" She asked coldly. "I would say Natja Beacon but that would not help with my situation, would it? Clea. Clea Natalina Romanova Barton. Daughter if Anastasja Illana Romanova Barton and Charles..." Clint interrupted her. "Bernard 'Barney' Barton. That can hardly be, he died in 1940. Who are you really?" Clea scoffed. "I am Clea Natalina Romanova Barton. Clea I was named after my paternal uncle Clinton Francis Barton and Natalina after my maternal aunt Natalia Alianovna Romanova! My mother is crown princess of Russia, send away at the age of 12 when her little sister, my aunt, was no more than 3. My father is an angel second generation, a son of Miriel and Jezekiel!" She screamed. That was when Clint snapped. "Stop lying! My brother died in a barn fire in September 1940. I stood at his grave!" And with that he left the room. With a stern expression Natasha followed him. At the door she turned back. "If I were you I'd pray he's okay. Because if he's not you'll find out what it really means to endure the Black Widows wrath." Bucky sighed and sat down next to Clea. "You speak English?" "Sure. I just tend to slip into babbling in Russian when I'm panicking. What I ay is true!" Bucky nodded. "I know. I was to target your parents next... Those two mainly have issues. Abandonment issues, trust issues... just all kinds of issues. Now, do you want to tell me what happened?"

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