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NoMan'sLand, 0' 00" N; 0' 00" E, Atlantic, Oct 2013
"If I may ask where we are?" Bucky wondered. "A secret island you won't find on any map called NoMan'sLand. Once per decade the World Security Council meets here. It's the only time all of them are in one room in person instead of holograms. And here we find Alexander Pierce." Fury explained while Alexandra got the plane down.

When they entered the room, the Council almost jumped from their seats, so hurried they to stand up. "Nick, what's going on?" Pierce asked irritated. Fury said nothing for a moment than he explained to the council: "Recently we discovered that an enemy we thought long since gone had been hiding in our midst all along. But we also discovered who was the one behind this. So I don't know if you're familiar with the Greek Mythology, but in this mythology, the Hydra is a monster that for every head you cut off grows two new and it can only be killed if you cut off the middle head." "What is your point Director Fury?" One of the other council members asked. "The old enemy we discobered amongst us, is HYDRA. And the middle head..." he pulled out his gun "... is Alexander Pierce." A shot rang out and the guards stormed in, only to be taken down by the the team. In the meantime, Fury took two devices from Pierce's corpse. A button to activate the sleeper agents and another button to send crucial shockwaves to the chairs of the council members. "I advise you choose a new member for the Council while you're here." Where Fury's last words before leaving.

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