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A graveyard, New York, Sep 2013
"Knew I'd find you here" The sound of her voice made him turn around. "I don't want to talk, Nat." He said in a barely audible voice. "Then don't" she answered telepathically. "I'll just be here. I'll be here for you. I love you." He smiled at that and leaned into the featherlight touch of her fingertips against his tearstained face. "And I love you, my Natasha" Clint whispered in the silence. Zhe was he said her name made her shiver with emotions. He didn't usually call her Natasha. On every day basis she was Nat, on missions simply the Black Widow. When Clint was sleepy or on pain medication, he would mumble a Tash or just skip talking verbally at all. Wheb she was the one who was sleepy or injured he called her Tasha and when he was angered, addressing her in her position as his chosen queen or princess of Russia she was Natalia. But Natasha... he only called her by the familiar form of her Russian name when his unconditional love for her was surfacing so strobg it physically hurt, when he was so overwhelmed by his emotions that he had trouble forming coherent thoughts. It made her love him even more every time, even though she always thought it was impossible to love him more than she already did.
Just as she was about to kiss her angel, someone stepped out from behind the headstone. "Hey li'l bro, Princess", the man greeted them, Clint playful and casually and her formally in Russian. "Nat, please tell me you see him to and I'm not hallucinating." The man laughed as Natasha assueed Clint that she saw it too. "Where have you been? Honestly Barney, where the hell have you been the past 73 years?" The archer then asked his brother somwhere betwedn angered, shocked and relieved. "In hiding. Hey, listen Clint, I wanted to tell ya but I couldn't. Dead men live longer. So do dead princesses. World had to think Anja dead and me too, for her safety and that of our daughter." The moment Barney had ended his explanation, Clint pulled him in a huf before asking: "So the girl told the truth? She's my niece?" "If you're talkin 'bout Clea, yes"

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