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Stark Tower, New York, Nov 2013
"How the hell Bucky?" Alex asked when she saw her fiancee had his arm stuck in an old machine. "Don't ask Lex. Please, just... don't." When Sam came down he laughed before saying: "Don't worry, I know someone who can help"

At the same time, Steve and Natasha stood in front if the tower next to Natasha's black Corvette. "Break it gently to them, will you? They'll take it hard enough as it is." Natasha sked the super soldier pressing something into his hand. "Do you really have to?" Steve asked the redhaired nephilim. "I just... I just don't know how to be an Avenger with out him. Or a SHIELD agent. I don't know if I can ever be either of those with out him again but for now at least, I have to go." She voiced soflty then she slid into the driver's seat of the car and atarted the engine. "Goodbye Steve" where her last words to him before she drove off, leaving Steve standing alone in front of the tower, starring down at the SHIELD badge in his hand.

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