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After flying for a while, Pugna wakes me up.

...Wha...? I say sleepily.


I don't... What's that? I hear a faint sound. Almost as if something is shouting from far away.

I think it's coming from the saddlebags, she says.

Land, I can't reach them without falling off.

Pugna obliges and we land in a clearing deep in the Spine.

I jump down and unhook the saddlebags. The noise gets louder. Now I can make out distinct words.

Sabrina! Sabrinaaaaaaa! Where in the blazes are you?!

I almost burst out laughing. Eragon, I say to Pugna, as she's still confused.

I yank out the enchanted mirror from Alydia's old backpack and see an image of a, very angry, Eragon.

"Where th- Sabrina! Finally!" Eragon's face goes red and I stifle back a laugh. Saphira's giant eye makes up the background, just as Pugna's does mine.

"Eragon," I say, inclining my head.

"Sabrina, you are well?" I can sense something strange in his voice. Fear? Hatred? Worry? All three?

"Somewhat," I reply.

"I assume you know why I'm contacting you?"

"Sure, you care about me so much that you're presuming to be my mother, whomever that may be, and you must check up on me every two days," I answer, smirking.

"No," he says defensively. I raise an eyebrow. "Well, yes, but... Um..." His face goes even redder.

"I assume you know about the Urgal thing?" I say, matching his earlier tone.

"Yes, and that is what I wanted to talk to you about," he seems relieved that I offered up the idea for conversation. "What exactly did you do?! Magicians all across the countryside felt a huge blast of magic, and your compass here went haywire!" He pulls the compass out from a chain around his neck.

He wears that thing around his neck? I muse.

He loves you, says Pugna suddenly.

WHAT?! This time I really do burst out laughing, but I manage to pass it off as a coughing fit.

Hack hack "Sorry, what?" Hack "Didn't catch that last bit..." Hack cough snicker HACK

"Are you okay?" He asks, leaning forward. He looks extremely worried.

"Fine," hack hack HACK.

Give me an excuse Pugna, I beg.

You swallowed a bug! She says wildly, grasping at straws.

"Are you sure?" Eragon says. Saphira's eye crinkles in the background and I can tell she knows what/who I'm really hacking at.

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