Chapter 31: "He'll get over it."

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Songs for this chapter:

Shove it by Santogold ft Spank Rock

Everlong by Foo Fighters


Lake Coleman:

"Lake, you need to stop calling him. If he isn't going to answer then he's not going to answer. Let him cool down or something, oh my god." Lola grabs my cell phone right from my grip before I can protest. I know she's right, I need to give Ryan some space, but I just feel so bad. 

I've left countless messages apologizing and trying to explain myself for what I have done. 

I haven't spoken to Justin since he just exploited us like that to Ryan and to say I was upset and angry with him is an understatement. You don't just tell your best friend something like that out of nowhere! 

"Look, Jacob will talk to him, for now just get dressed and go to work. I already called Cass to tell her that you're on your way. Now get up." 

I don't argue with my sister because I know I have to go to work. I couldn't just ditch my clients I have several weddings to help plan. 

I get dressed and meet Lola in the kitchen. She's pouring me a cup of a coffee and places it in my hand. "You're purse is by the door. Just get to work, okay?" 

I mumble a small 'okay' and go to the door to grab my purse and leave.

When I reach the As You Wish building, I go straight to my office. Cassandra isn't by her desk so I'm assuming she's on a coffee break. 

My office is clean and I pull out my wedding planner book and see when my next clients are coming in. Sara Faren and Henry Matthews were supposed to be here soon. I pull out their binder and get my planning notes ready.

I notice the red flashing dot on my work phone indicating that I had a message, but the knock on the door holds me back from checking them. Sara and Henry were here.  

After two hours with the couple, we were finally finished. I say my goodbyes to Sara and Henry and wait for them to leave so I can get to my message. Another knock on the door makes me groan. 

"Lake, you're next clients are here." Cassandra smiles timidly as she enters the room.

I frown, "I don't have anyone scheduled." 

"You didn't check your messages?"

"I was just about to." 

"Well, Justin called in and booked a quick appointment with Allie. They're here now." She informs me before walking right out. 

I'm shocked a bit when Justin walk in, holding hands might I add. Allie has her hair and makeup done to perfection and Justin has his haired styled nicely with a nice outfit on. They look like some sort of power couple and it makes me sick to my stomach. 

"Hello, Lake. We're here to discuss wedding plans." Justin says cooly and I clench my pen in my fist. 

"I can see that," I say through gritted teeth. 

I'm still upset with Justin and now he has the nerve to changed appointments and plan his fake little wedding when we still haven't even talked about what the hell he just pulled on Ryan.

Throughout the entire discussion, I have to hold back my anger as Justin constantly kisses Allie on the cheeks or lips and keeps reminding us both how happy they're going to be together. 

What a freaking liar. 

At this point, I can feel my face completely going red and Justin smirks, "Something wrong, Miss Coleman?" 

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