Wait What?!?

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3 days later
Lucys POV
We're getting some major progress done. I was on my way to the principals office to get the list of floats entered in the parade. I bumped into someone on accident. "I'm sorry." I apologized quickly. I realized who It was. Natsu. He glared at me and walked off. Yeesh still rude. I walked into the office. "Lucy here is the list of floats entered in the parade." The principal said handing me the list. "Thank you." I replied. "Check the floats out and see if there are any details you can fix." She said and I nodded than walked out.

"Lovin the skirt sista!" Levy said walking up and checking out my outfit. "Thanks!" I replied. I wore a black mini skirt and dark blue shirt with a corset on it so it was very tight. And I wore black ankle boots with anklet around one. I wore my black and blue choker necklace I got from my mother. "Your just in time! Where's Erza?" I asked. "Here!" Erza yelled as she, Juvia and Jellal walked in. Several students into the gym where we were. I looked at the lists. Me and the other members all had copies of the lists. "Alright. Let's do this!" Juvia exclaimed and we walked outside. "First up! Football float!" Levy shouted. "We're also going to practice the order." She yelled. "Mascot Float!" She yelled again.

Natsus POV
I wondered what all the yelling was and walked outside. I seen Uh what was her name again? Anyways she was organizing the floats in line and yelling. Her blonde hair on one shoulder. She looked over and said something to a girl, I think her name was Erza, but I couldn't hear what she said. A girl walked up to me. "HI! I'm Levy. Your Natsu right?" She introduced and asked. "Yeah. How did you know?" I asked suspiciously. "I'm in the student body. I know everyone." She replied rolling her eyes. "You've already met the blonde Lucy." She said pointing to the blonde. So that's her name. I nodded. "The girl she was yelling to Is Erza. The President of the student body. The girl next to her is Juvia and the guy is Jellal." She introduced pointing to each one of them. "So what are you doing here?" She asked. "Is it really any of your business?" I asked rudely. "Uh Yeah. Since we're the student council and are preparing for a huge parade and have limited time to get this done and your randomly here and have not once payed any attention to these extracurricular activities. Such as volunteering to help, any activities such as musical inclined or sports." She explained. I opened my mouth to retort but quickly shut it. She did make sense. "You can help if you want. If not you can return to class. You'll miss some but it's excused." She said and turned around. I shrugged and followed.

Lucys POV
"What the hell is that?!? I thought you said you passed drivers ed. Park it right there!!" I yelled at a guy. Me and Erza were having a hard time with these people. The guy nodded scared like and parked it. "Good! Now was that so hard?!" I yelled again. "You gonna lose your voice before we even finish." Levy said jumping up and siting on the table. I turned around and see the guy with pink hair. I ignored it and rolled my eyes. "Your turn to yell at people." I said and layed down on the grass. "Sweet!" She exclaimed happily and jumped up with her first in the air and ran to Erza. "This is what you do?" Natsu asked. "Huh? Oh. Not really. This was kinda of a last minute thing." I replied. "What else do you actually do?" He asked. I got up and handed him the list. "We have to set up The Fall Formal, Run the parade, The Halloween Dance, the annual Festival and much much more." I replied and he shrugged. I rolled my eyes.

~At home~
Lucys POV
Mom's been strangely nice lately. Wonder what it is. I walk in the door and my mom pulls me into the living room. "Dear we have something to tell you." My mother spoke. I couldn't tell what was in her voice. Fear? Excitement? I nodded. "Dinners in a few minutes you'll find out then." She said and I nodded then walked upstairs to finish homework.

Natsus POV
I just finished my homework when mom yelled for me downstairs. "Natsu it's dinner!" She yelled. I trudged downstairs but was kinda eager. I was finally going to find out why we moved here. We sat down to eat and loaded our plates. "Natsu. You going to hate us-well me." My mom began. I looked up at her. "I would never hate you." I replied. "Before you were born, Me and a good friend, Layla made a deal. You would marry her daughter. As a result I would gain my best friend back and our companies will be United." She said looking at me. My breath stopped and my heart stopped. "I-I have arranged m-m-marriage??" I managed to squeak out. She nodded. "So I have a fiancee?!" I asked trying to grasp it. My mother nodded again. "You meet her in 2 days." She replied. I nodded slowly and got up and went to my room. "I'm only 17!!" I yelled softly hoping mother wouldn't hear.

Lucys POV
My heart stopped. I stood up and leaned on the table, my hands in fists. "You mean to tell me my whole life so far I've wanted to grow up and get married to someone I love was never going to happen?! You've already arranged my life?! A fiancee mom!? Seriously?! I'm 17!" I yelled. And walked off to my room. After punching the walls a few times, I layed down to sleep.

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