
2.3K 45 24

Nickname ~
Well I have a lot of 'em XD. Emmy, Em,"amato", Lil'Villain, Marie.

Eye color

Hair color
Dirty blonde

Facts about me
Hmm I play clarinet and sing in chorus (soprano). I absolutely love anime. I'm bi. I'm in Drama Club and absolutely love plays.

Favorite color
Well I have 3. Blue, Purple and Black.

Favorite Place
In a theater watching a performance or perhaps reading a book? Anywhere peaceful where I can wear pajamas and drink coffee or tea XD.

Favorite celebrity
I have a lot. Honestly too many to list.

Favorite animal
I have multiple. Bears, Wolves, Big Cats and Pandas.

Favorite songs
Oh Dieu/Dio/Gott that's honestly a long, long list.

Favorite books
Hmm I'd have to say Harry Potter series or Percy Jackson series!

I have to tag people but I don't know who to tag so anyone who wants to do it, then I tag you! Have a nice day/night!


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