Parade Part 1

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Natsus POV




Lucys alarm went off and I sprang up and hit it several times before it finally stopped. I layed back down and got comfy. "Natsu. I gotta get up." Lucy said. "It's Saturday. Why do you have an alarm set?" I asked. "The parades today." She mumbled. Then she sat up quickly. "The parades today!" She yelled and got up quickly. Which resulted in her falling off the floor. "Are you Okay???" I asked. She was tangled up in the blanket on the floor and laughing. "Oh I'm fine." She said after she finally stopped laughing. She stood up and looked at the time. "Shit! Im gonna be late!" She said and scrambled to find clothes. I stood up and helped her. I pulled out a black mini skirt and a blue blouse. "Uh.. Will this work?" I asked not really for sure. "Oh yeah! Thanks!" she said and I walked out to give her some privacy. "Uh Natsu? If you don't mind.. Can you help me?" She asked from the other room. "Sure" I replied and walked into the room. "I need you to tie the back please." She said. I walked forward and grabbed the back strings. I pulled gently. "Is that good?" I asked. "Yeah." She replied and I tied it and walked out. "Thanks Natsu." She said and walked into the living room to put on her boots. I sat on the couch as well but on the other side. "Aren't you coming?" She asked clearly confused. "The parade?" I asked and she nodded. "I don't know." I replied. "Oh come on! Please?" She asked. I shrugged and went into the room to put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Coming out a few minutes later I noticed Lucy was still here. "You haven't left yet?" I asked. "No. I waited for you. Did you want me to leave?" She asked. "No. No I'm good." I replied. and she picked up her keys. "Let's do this then!" She said excitedly and ran out the door. I grabbed my phone and quickly followed her, closing the door behind me. We walked down and the street and everyone waved and smiled at her. Her smile spread to everyone and I myself started to smile. Until I heard the very voice that lately had irritated me. Lisanna. I know she's my girlfriend and all but lately i'm not really into her as much as I was. "Natsu! You came to watch me participate in the beauty contest didn't you! Such a devoted boyfriend!" Lisanna gushed and leaned in to kiss me, out of some reflex I backed up. This seemed to hurt her a bit. "Oh I get it you don't want to mess up my make-up. Awww" She gushed again and I managed a fake smile. None of this felt right. I looked over at Lucy and smiled. She was crouched down talking to a little girl. The little girl was excitedly talking. "One day when I get in High school I want to be on the Student Council just like you!" "Well, make sure you do good in school and get good grades, and as long as you try your hardest, you can do anything you want!" Lucy said and I let out a small smile. Lucy gave people hope and kindness. "Ill see you in the parade Lucy!" Lucy waved and got up started to walk away. "Lucy?" I asked. "Natsu? I thought you were talking to your girlfriend?" She said. "Oh? Uh no." I replied and walked up to her. "Lets go or you'll be late!" I said quickly and dragged her to the school where the others were. "Natsu? You don't have to stay you know? Go find Lisanna. She's probably wondering where you are. She needs you to be there." Lucy said and walked off. I looked at Levy and she walked over to where I was. "Why are you here? And why are you still here?" She asked and crossed her arms. "I.. Don't.. Know." I replied and Levys expression softened. "Lisanna or Lucy?" She asked. "W-w-what?" I asked confused. She shook her head. "Lisanna or Lucy." She said again. "I'm not so sure Lisanna anymore.." I replied and she nodded. "Your hopeless. But. It's a start, maybe Lucys life won't be so bad." She said and walked off. I shook my head. "What am I gonna do??" I muttered to myself.

Levys POV
I watched as Natsu walked out muttering to himself and I shook my head. He doesn't even know what he's doing. Sighing I walked over to grab some supplies and my walkie-talkie. "Levy. Can you go get these items real quick?" Jellal asked me, handing me a list. "Yeah sure." I replied and as I walked out of the room, out of the corner of my eye I seen Lucy fight back a smile at me. Confused I continued walking and went down the hall. I passed the janitors closet somethimg grabbed my arm and pulled my eyes. A huge hand covered my mouth and turned on the light. "Relax Shrimp. It's just me." He said and I rolled my eyes, taking his hand off my mouth. "What're you doing?!" I whisper-yelled. He shrugged. "I needed you talk to ya." He said. "Alright then say it. I'm supposed to be getting a list of things for the parade." I said. He didn't say anything at first but suddenly he leaned down and kissed me! And before I knew it I was kissing back. He picked me up so I was finally his height and he pulled back and looked at me. Then dropped his head on my chest. "Sorry." He muttered. "For what? That was amazing." I mumbled and he looked up at me. He then grinned and kissed me again. His kiss was like fire. I couldn't get enough of it. The closet door suddenly opened and we jumped slightly. And by we---I mean me. Lucy stood there smirking. "Alright. I've let you have your fun, now Levy we have parade remember?" Lucy said still smirking and I could tell, I'd be drilled with questions later. Gajeel put me down and looked at Lucy. "Thanks for the help." He said grinning. I look at Lucy then to Gajeel and back at Lucy. It hit me. "You set this up." I said putting the pieces together. "Mira would be proud." I said and she flinched. "Let's go get this parade on." she said. "See ya afterwards, Shrimp." Gajeel said then winked. I felt my face get hot and I just nodded.

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