Our Trip To Italy - Part I The Plane

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Natsus POV
I groaned and attempted to turn the alarm off. 5:00am. I really hate this alarm clock. I tried not to move Lucy too much as I leaned over her to turn the alarm off. "Natsu.." Lucy mumbled and my heart skipped a beat at the sound of saying my name as she woke up. "We have to get up." She mumbled but made no indication of getting up. She stretched and snuggled back into my arms. I chose to stay quiet. I felt my face heat up. I managed to climb out of the bed and covered Lucy back up with the blanket. I decided I should prepare our stuff into one room. Grabbing mine and Lucy's bags into the living room. Then I prepared coffee, knowing we both desperately needed it.

Lucy's POV
I yawned waking up and rolled over. Natsu was gone again. I frowned, though not sure why, and got up. There were a pair of my favorite jeans and a t-shirt at the foot of the bed. I quickly changed and walked out. Our things were in the living room on the coffee table and Natsu had made coffee. He was fully dressed and ready to go. "About time you get up." He teased playfully and I rolled my eyes. He handed me a mug and which I took gratefully.

We had stretched out on the couch watching cartoons and eating cereal. I guess Mom had already called the school to tell them that we'd both be absent this week. I looked at my phone, checking the time, we'd have to leave soon. Natsu turned off the TV standing up, he held out his hand to help me up. The feel of his soft but slightly calloused hand sent a shiver down my spine. Taking it, I stood up and he sent me a smile. "We should be leaving soon." He said and I nodded, letting go of his hand. But as I soon as I did, I felt warmth leave my hand, and for once I wondered what it would be like to hug him. Sharing a bed at night was different, we did hug and cuddle, but we were asleep. That and he was always up before me. "Luce?" Natsu said waving hand in front of my face. I shook my head, realizing I had zoned out. "Yeah?" I replied. "We gotta go if we wanna make sure we get on the plane in time." Natsu said and grabbed the bags. Walking out the door, I closed it behind us and seen our driver parked. He had opened the trunk and Natsu put the bags in before opening a car door for me.

We soon arrived at airport and to say I was excited would be an understatement. My dream in life is always to travel and see the world. Going to Italy would be the first step. We walked inside the airport, a bounce in my step. The lines weren't too terribly long, pretty surprising, considering its the week before spring break. Our driver had handed us our tickets and passports already and was making sure we got on the plane safely. He led us through the crowd and to the line for the metal detector. We waved goodbye and put our luggage on the line before walking through scanners. Stepping in, the security guy scanned me and looked at Natsu, who was uneasily looking outside towards the planes. "All clear." He said and I stepped out, grabbing my luggage as the guy who scanned our luggage winked at me and gave me a grin. When Natsu walked out of the scanner, he slung his arm around me. "Excited for Italy, Babe?" Natsu asked. I blushed and turned away from the guy and walked with Natsu to the plane, he still didn't remove his arm. When he did remove his arm it was to get on the plane. I drew in a deep breath, trying to contain my excitement and asked the man where our seat was. I handed his our seat numbers and he led us up front. My eyes widened when I figured where we were First Class. I sat down by the Window and Natsu sat next me in the aisle seat, after putting our luggage above us. There was a little old lady across from us, knitting. She looked at me and gave me a warm smile, which I gladly returned. The captain made an announcement that we would be begin flying and to put our seat belts on. Once we had put our seat belts on, we started to move. Natsus hand found mine and held it tightly, his other hand gripping the arm rest. "Natsu?" I asked slowly. He shook his head. "Natsu, do you hate flying?" I asked, but no answer, though his reaction gave my answer. I put my head on his shoulder and held his hand with both of mine. Rubbing my thumb over his hand, I tried to calm him down some. As we began to incline, his heart beat sped up. His other hand came up to run his hand through my hair. I wouldn't question this. Not now. We begin to fly at a steady pace, he began to calm down some. Slowly, his heart rate became normal and his grip softened. He closed his eyes buried his face in my neck. The lady across from us, smiled once again. "Such an adorable couple. Your such a beautiful young lady. She said. I blushed. "We are, aren't we? And she is, definitely the prettiest girl I've ever seen." He said looking at me. I blushed deeper and once again, became confused. Thoughts and Questions ran through my head. Isn't he with Lisanna? Does he even like you? Why'd he give up his vacation to spend it with me? What does all this mean?

Hai Fellow Fairy Tail Members and Readers! What'd you guys think of the chapter? Finally some NaLu progress, am I right? Hope you liked this chapter! Byee~

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