Not myself....

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Natsu's POV

I woke up and walked out the bedroom and seen Lucy sleeping on the couch, curled up. She was slightly shivering and I instantly felt majorly guilty. I went back into the room to get her clothes to wear. We had to get to school soon. I opened a box and seen brochures and a passport. I picked one up and looked through it. I picked up a notebook next and studied it, but before I look in it Lucy snapped at me. "Don't touch those!" She yelled and took them out of my hands, shoved them into the box and picked the box up and walked off. Last night the driver was talking about her going somewhere....Was she planning on leaving? Well obviously she had brochures and her passport ready.

Lucy's POV

I changed into a black and purple top with a black cardigan and my jeans. I threw on my knee high boots and brushed my hair. I grabbed my phone, bag, and wallet. Taking a deep breath I walked out the door without Natsu. He needed to meet up with his new girlfriend Lisanna. That girl is with a new guy every week. Poor guys gonna his heart broken. Oh well. I walked into the student council and took a deep breath as I sat down. Levy walked over and handed me a cup of coffee. I smiled at her. "Thanks." I said and she nodded. "How'd it go?" She asked. I shook my head. "Manny handed us the keys, our parents are making us live together, anyways Manny brought up me wanting to travel the world. Then he slammed the door and I had to sleep on the couch. " I replied. "That is the exact opposite of what I thought would happen."She said and I rolled my eyes.

Natsu's POV
I slung my arm around Lisanna and kissed her but it felt wrong. Very wrong. I pulled away and removed my arm. Lisanna started talking about how pretty she was. I zoned out though. What is with me today?? I sighed and seen Gray. Walking over to him, he put away his phone. "Hey wud up?" He asked and I shrugged. "It was yesterday." I answered him. He knew how my parents were and I told him about the Arranged Marriage. He nodded. The bell rang and I walked into the cafeteria with Gray. I spotted Lucy as she met up with Levy and Juvia and started walking out with them. I haven't actually seen her eat lunch in the cafeteria. I sat down at a table with Gray. "So who's the unlucky bride?" Gray asked eating a slice of pizza.
"The one and only Lucy Heartfilia." I said and Gray dropped his pizza. "I am so sorry bro. How's that working out?" He asked. I shook my head. "Not well." I replied. "What do you know about her?" He asked. "Nothing. Except she hates me and she wants to travel I think. She had a bunch of brochures and a passport with a notebook in a box. She yelled at me for looking at it." I said. "Hmm.... Traveling huh? Interesting..." He said.

Lucys POV
I walked with Erza and the others down the hall on our way to the student council room. Down another hallway I noticed Gajeel leaned against the wall watching us with, His arms were crossed. I stopped and the others looked at me. "You okay Lu-chan?" Levy asked me. "Huh? Oh yes. I just need to check something. Go on ahead I'll meet you guys there in a minute." I said shaking my head. "Okay..?" Levy said and the walked on. I waited until the were a good distance away and set my tray on top of a desk that was in the hall. I walked back to Gajeel. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Tsk. Why do you care?" He asked. "Are you serious? You've been following us for awhile now. Do you have a problem with us?" I replied. "Nah." He answered. "Aww. You like Juvia?" I teased. "No! Way!" He yelled. I shushed him. "Erza?" I asked and he shook his head. "No!" He answered again. "Awww. You like Levy." I said smiling. "Tsk." He answered and I rolled my eyes. And stifled a laugh as I walked away. I grabbed my tray and started laughing, walking to the student council room. "Your awfully happy." Erza commented as I walked into the room laughing. I set my tray down and ended up rolling on the ground laughing. "What'd you do?" Jellal asked. "Juvia is a bit scared." Juvia said which made me laugh more. "Hey anyone-- woah what's up with her?" Natsu asked walking into the room with Gray. "We don't know." Erza replied. "Uh. Okay then." He said. I stood up and wiped my eyes. "What are you doing here Natsu? This is a meeting for the Student Council." Levy said shifting her weight to one foot and putting her hands on her hips. Erza stayed quiet for once, eating her strawberry cake. Jellal next her equally quiet. "I don't remember now.." Natsu said staring off in space. Juvia sat staring at her papers, hearts in her eyes. I almost laughed but managed not to. Natsu shook his head and walked out.

~At home~
Natsus POV
I sat watching tv waiting for Lucy to get home. She was still with the Student Council planning the months events. I thought about our fight and instantly felt guilty. She must be tired from everything, especially from sleeping on the couch, then having to stay an hour later to plan events for the school and the community. I got up and cleaned up the kitchen and made a cup of coffee, set it on the coffee table in the living room. Then went into the room and went to the boxes of Lucys. I opened one up and found a handful of movies on top. I was seriously surprised by the movies, they weren't girly movies. There were things like Fast and Furious 1-7 set, Divergent. San Andreas, and Southpaw. I grabbed Southpaw and set it on the coffee in the living room. I closed the bedroom door and sat down patiently. Luckily I didn't have to wait long before I heard her keys in the door. My heart sped up and I tried to calm down. Lucy walked in the door, her blond ponytail swinging, not noticing anything and set her stuff in the bedroom. "Did you make coffee?" She asked from the other room. I didn't say anything and she came into the living room and stopped in her tracks. Then shook her head. "Do we have any left?" She asked. "That's for you." I replied. She looked at me cautiously. She glanced into the kitchen. "You cleaned?" She asked surprised and sat down. Her boots were already off along with her socks and I could see her blue nail polish. She picked up the cup of coffee and leaned back. I picked up the movie off the table and put it in. "Whatcha doin?" She asked confused. I sat back down and changed the TV input. The previews started and I realized I sat much closer to her by accident. I didn't know what to do so I made no movement. If she noticed she didn't say anything except turned her body towards me and rested her head on my shoulder. Consciously I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and watched the movie silently. Looking at her every now and then.

Eventually the movie ended and she was asleep. I think she fell asleep about halfway through but I wasn't for sure. I tried moving her but she hugged me tightly. Sighing I unwrapped myself from her and picked her up. After a few tries I successfully opened the door with her in my arms. I tried to fight off a smile as a thought popped in my head. Husbands traditionally carry their new Brides through the door bridal style. I was now carrying Lucy through a door bridal style. Not paying attention I hit her head on part of the doorway. "N-Natsu?." She asked tiredly. Before I could reply she fell back asleep. I turned on the light so I wouldn't trip and layed her down on the bed. Pulled the blanket over her and kissed her forehead. She rolled over, her back facing me. I went to leave and she sat up and rubbed her eyes. "You don't have to sleep on the couch. It's not very comfy." She said then yawned. "Are you sure?" I asked a bit hesitant. "Yeah." She replied yawning. I shrugged and turned out the light, then layed down beside her. "You know.. Your not so bad Natsu." She said then yawned. "Goodnight, Natsu." She said before hugging her pillow and falling asleep. "Goodnight Lucy." I replied and started at the ceiling. Her words repeating in my head. I smiled a bit and hugged her before falling asleep myself.

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