2. The Bus

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I was sitting alone on the bus with my headphones in listening to music, when I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. I turn to the side, removing my headphone. There was a girl, reasonably tall with dark brown hair and emerald green eyes. I stared at her in awe. Finally she spoke

"Can I sit here?" 

I had my bag placed next to me, I pulled it down to the ground making space for her to sit down.
"Yeah. Sorry" I said sheepishly 

She smiled and sat down beside me. 

"How are you?" She asked trying to start conversation obviously.

"Good, what about you?" I asked politely

"I'm good. I am Primrose by the way."

I hadn't heard of that name before, how unique.

"Adelaide." I said smiling, stretching my hand out for her to shake. She firmly shook my hand, sending tingles up my arm. 

"Do you have any pets?" I said 

"Um... Yes, 2 dogs and a rabbit." She replied

"Oh cool. I have 4 cats and a dog!"

She pressed the button signaling for the bus to stop at the next stop.

"Well it is time for me to leave." She said sighing

"Nice to meet you, Adelaide." She said as she walked towards the closest door, waiting for the bus driver to open it. When she was leaving she yelled a quick 'thanks' to the bus driver.

When it got to my stop I realized it was raining, I briskly walked home trying to avoid getting wet. Pulling my jacket over my head while trying to find my keys in my bag. When I finally found my keys I put them in the lock and walking inside. I left muddy foot prints all the way to my kitchen. When I got into the kitchen, I was greeted by meows of hungry cats. 

I lived alone so I wasn't expecting a special greeting from anyone. Sighing, I walked over to the cupboard and pulled  out some tins of cat food. I opened the cans and spooned them into there food dish. I threw the can into the bin and began getting dinner ready. 

I decided on just plain ol' salad, with some dressing.


I was scavenging through my bag trying to find my purse. I was looking down and walking through the supermarket when I ran into someone.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!" I said looking up. 

I looked up only to come face to face with Primrose. 

"It's alright." She smiled. I noticed the coffee stain on her shirt, and a take-away coffee cup on the ground.

"You spilled your coffee on yourself! Are you okay?" I said frantically

"I'm fine." She said giggling

"I am sorry about your coffee" I said frowning

"Well.... You should make me dinner now, I think that would be fair." She hinted

I nodded, knowing that she would have to throw out that shirt because of the stain. Walking around the shop with Primrose by my side, I searched up and down each isle trying to find something that I should make for dinner.

"Do you like Chinese food?" I asked

"Yeah why?" 

"I can't cook." I honestly can, but not extremely well. She followed me out of the store. I was at my car, when I wondered if she had a car here.

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