7. Supermarket Love

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Walking down the Health Food isle, I noticed a fairly tall girl standing at the end of the isle. She was looking at something, but I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was.

She had her dark brown hair pulled up into a messy bun, perfectly shaped eyebrows, high cheek bones, beautiful ocean blue eyes,very kissable looking lips and a body with curves in all the right places.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer." She said winking in my direction.

I starting blushing furiously, why do I get in such awkward situations? But then I thought I might take advantage of this situation.

" If you insist..." I pulled out my phone and opened camera.

I pointed my phone in her direction, 

"Say cheese!" I said 

She quickly spun around and smiled, the camera clicked. I had a photo of one of the most gorgeous girls I had come across.

She then started giggling, I'm glad she found what I had done amusing. I walked up to her and offered her my hand to shake,

" Hi I'm Amelia." I smiled, she took my hand into a firm grip.

" I'm Kylie." She said shaking my hand. 

I couldn't help but notice the electric feeling that I felt when I touched her. I pulled my hand away and smiled like I hadn't felt it, after I had pulled away I still had a slight electric feeling in the hand she had shook but it was slowly fading.

"Can I at least see the photo?" She asked with a raised eyebrow

"I'm not sure, will you delete it?" I answered, being cautious because it was a good photo.

"I swear, I wont." She smiled

"Fine" I grinned pulling my phone out again.

I went into photos and tapped the photo of her.

" You can have that photo, but you owe me." She said walking away

I started to think, 

"Dinner." I called out to her

She turned around,


"Have dinner with me." I said more like a request then a question

She raised an eyebrow.

" I'm sure you don't want to have dinner with someone like me..." She said, moving uncomfortably in her spot, she seemed uneasy

" Trust me, I do. I really do." I blushed a little when I realised what I had said.

I could tell blood was rushing to her face, but she smiled.

" If you're sure?" She questioned

I nodded smiling.

"Are you free tonight?" 

She thought for a minute for replying;

" I think so..." 

"Great, tonight then?"

She nodded happily.

"How did you get to the supermarket?" I asked

"I walked. I only live around the block"

"Oh okay, so is it alright if I drop you home after dinner?"

She nodded.

I grabbed a few things to use for dinner, and also grabbed a tub of chocolate ice cream. Kylie also had to grab a few things. So I bought my things and waited outside for her, she came out with a bag. I smiled at her and gestured for her to follow me. We had a small chat about allergies while walking to my car, turns out she has an allergy to bees.

I open the passenger door for her

"M' lady" 

She blushed slightly and got in.

I put the groceries in the back before hopping in and turning on the car. Kylie and I had some conversations during the car ride, the conversations just flowed. We could go from talking about something serious to something funny in a matter of seconds, her laugh was a beautiful sound. Mine was just high pitched and gross, hers was hard to explain but it was melodic.

I pulled into my drive way, I had quite a modern house. I wasn't rich but I certainly wasn't poor. I quickly got up and walked around to Kylies side, I opened the door so she could get out.

"Thanks" She said a slight red tinge on her cheeks.

"You are certainly welcome!" I smiled

I walked around to the back of the car and grabbed the groceries. I leaded Kylie to the front door, I fumbled around with my keys trying to find the right key. Finally I found it, I stuck it into the lock and turned it. The door unlocked and opened it, I moved aside so Kylie could go in first.

I walked in and closed the door behind me, I walked up beside her. I walked down the the hall and to the left which was where the kitchen was. I put the groceries on the bench, I started unloading everything onto the bench.

I had decided to make my killer avocado pasta, I had all the ingredients on the bench. 

"You can snoop my house if you'd like." I said to Kylie.

She grinned,

"I don't think I will...."

I raised my eyebrow

"If you'd like you can watch me cook?"

She grinned and nodded.

I don't know why but I personally enjoyed to watch people cook, she might too. I put all the bags under the sink to use again or for something completely different. I started making dinner.

It took around 20 minutes and I could tell we were both starving. I got 2 plates out and knives and forks, I set the table and brought the bowl of pasta out. 

"Looks good" She said licking her lips.

"I wonder what else you can do with your tongue.." I accidentally said outloud.

I didn't realise I had until she replied;

"I can do a lot, I can also pleasure a little with it" she said winking at me

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks, I bet I looked like a tomato at this point. I served equal amounts onto the plates.

When we first started eating, we ate in a comfortable silence. We then started discussing random things and about our families.

When we had finished I noticed that she had a little bit of pasta sauce on the edge of her mouth, I lent over and wiped it off with my thumb. I then made the decision to lick it off my thumb, then we were just staring into each others eyes.

Without thinking I lent even closer inching our faces closer and closer, I was so close i could feel her breath against my face. I could tell she was getting impatient.

"Stuff it." She whispered before pulling my head so our lips connected, sending an eltric current through my lips.


So how's your day going?

I would like to thank you for 4.4k!!

It unbelievable thank you so much, I can't express how happy I am!

~ Olivia

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