4.The Ice Queen

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I walked down the corridor with my head hung low holding my books to my chest, if I got noticed someone would surely knock me over or call me names. When I got to my locker, my bully Keith was leaning against it grinning. I spun on my heel to walk away when my forearm was grabbed. I was spun around so I was facing him.

"Where are you going, nerd?"  He snickered

I had never spoken back to him, and I wasn't about to start. I looked around, avoiding eye contact. He pushed me against my locker. Hard. A soft groan escaped my lips from the force. His bent down so his face was right next to my ear.

"You're worthless, no one will ever find you pretty." He whispered.

He smirked and walked away. Tears stung my eyes but I refused to let them spill, I raced to the closest empty classroom. I placed my books on the desk, I wiped my eyes with my sleeve. I kept repeating Keiths' words in my mind over and over, until I heard a soft crying.

I walked around the corner, there in a ball on the ground I saw Cyra. The most popular girl in the school, she had a heart of ice. You will never see her show emotion, not even with her boyfriend, Keith.  I was thinking whether I should comfort her or leave.

I decided to try help. I walked over to her and sat next to her. She lifted her head to see who it was. Her eyes widened and she jumped up, wiping her tears with her sleeve.

" Don't you dare say anything nerd!" She said

"I wont. But would you mind telling me what happened?"

"Yes" She snickered walking past me bumping into my shoulder, making me stumble backwards.

I heard the door slam behind her. I kicked a chair in frustration. Grabbing my books I raced out the door, I could tell my mascara was slightly smudged. I walked into my first class, today was going to be a long day.


At lunch time, I walked over to an empty table with a salad. I didn't eat it, I don't really eat. Keith has told me over and over I need to diet, and I have started to take his advice.

I was poking lettuce when I felt like someone was staring at me, I looked up to see Cyra. Her head spun back to her popular friends, I shook my head I must have been imagining things. I adverted my attention back to my salad, I stabbed it with my fork over and over. 

I noticed it was almost the end of lunch, so I threw out my salad. I walked over to my locker, I saw Cyra trying to get Keith to not talk to me. He just shook her off and waited for me. Knowing I had no way out I kept walking to my locker. His smirk grew wider than ever, I wasn't sure what he want this time. 

When I reached my locker he forcefully grabbed my wrist. He tugged it, pulling me to a empty classroom. He threw me onto the floor after closing the door. 

"You little b*tch!" He screeched

I whimpered and tried to get to the door.

"You're not going anywhere." He said pulling me back throwing me onto a desk.

"Have I ever told you how ugly you are?" 

I just kept looking at the ground. 

"I don't think I have...." 

He was about to start saying something when Cyra barged in.  I swore her eyes showed slight worry she raced in and hugged Kieth's side.

"What's going on, babe?" She asked frantically

"I was about to tell this whore how ugly and fat she was" He snickered 

"Can I do it?" She blurted out

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