Chapter 3- The New Guy

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The weekend passed by pretty fast. I woke up on Saturday morning and went jogging. When I got home I bathed and went to this music store that I always went to when I wanted to play my guitar or sing freely. I spent the whole day there. On my way home I stopped in a little cafe that was nearby and had a cup of coffee.

When I got home I had dinner by myself because everybody else already had theirs then I went to my room to hit the hay. I stayed in my room most of Sunday listening to music. I still hadn’t spoken to Austin and he hadn’t made any attempt to speak to me so that was that. However, I spoke to my parents. Not like a talk-talk, just a ‘Hi’ and if they asked me a question I would actually answer them. This always symbolised that I was ‘Back to normal’ so to put it.

I woke up at 6:15on Monday morning by my alarm clock. I dragged myself out of bed and went to shower. I brushed my teeth then got on my clothes. Today I was wearing a black long sleeve shirt and grey skinny jeans. I tied my hair in a ponytail and headed downstairs at 7:00 with a smile.

“Morning mom” I said with a smile. She turned and smiled at me.

“Morning darling” she said in a chirpy voice. She was happy to have me talking again.

I grabbed an apple and took a drink of orange juice  and I said good-bye before walking out the door.

Arianna’s P.O.V

Maya came into the kitchen smiling, I was so happy. Then she actually ate which made me even happier. Maybe she was getting better. For the past couple of day I thought I’d lost her again. She was never the same after her father died but she had started to change during the pass summer since Austin came. He seemed to make her...better, happier.

They hadn’t been speaking and that’s when she went south again. Now she was ok and I was glad, yes, but I wondered how long it would last...

I heard her say good-bye and close the front door. I ran outside just as she was about to get in her car and asked, “Aren’t you going to wait on Austin?” she shrugged.

“Doesn’t he get a ride every day?” she asked-said and without another word she got in her car and drove off. I walked back into the house.

Austin’s P.O.V

I heard Maya’s car start and I ran downstairs, I can’t believe I overslept. I saw Mrs. Tremain walking back inside the house and Maya’s car gone. I followed Mrs. Tremain into the kitchen.

“Where did Maya go?” I asked. She gave me a weak smile.

“To school, she said that you would get a ride”. I smiled and nodded.

I mean yea Rita picked me up a couple times but she could have still asked me. I would have rather gone with her. Rita was nice and all but I didn’t like her, like her and she kept trying to flirt with me, which was kind of getting a little annoying. I mean how many more subtle hints do I have to give for her to see that I’m not interested?!

I heard the familiar honk of Rita’s car and I headed outside after kissing Mrs. Tremain on the cheek and grabbing piece of bacon from Tony’s plate. She never made breakfast for me because I told her she didn’t have to. I knew I would have been up all night studying for a test we were going to have today and also knew that oversleeping was highly likely.

I headed outside and got in to Rita’s car saying morning to her and giving her a smile. Then before she could pounce I plugged in my ear buds and turned my music up loud.

If You Saw My BruisesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz