Chapter 6- Vacation

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A/N:  Ok so peeps just wanna let you know that in this chappie things are gonna get a little intense between Austin and Maya so be ware! If you dont want to read skip ahead but its nothing too bad so enjoy!

Peach cobblers.


Austin’s P.O.V

I was so excited. It was Christmas break and we were going on a vacation to the Caribbean, more specifically Jamaica! I always heard about Jamaica and how wonderful and beautiful it was and I always wanted to go and I was happy that I was finally getting to go. It was now Monday, the day we would be leaving and I was practically bouncing off the walls. The flight was at 2 p.m. and I was up since 5 a.m.

Maya and I had been talking about the trip all weekend and I could tell she was as excited as I was to go although she tried to hide it. We never really spoke much after that day we hung out at the bowling rink and I was kind of sad but I just pushed it away. It was exam time and she was probably just busy studying.

We left the house early, around 10:30 because they couldn’t take my whining anymore, and headed to the airport. We got to the airport, sorted out our luggage, chatted for a bit then they allowed us to board the plane. Maya sat beside me at the window seat while Arianna and Tony sat a couple seats ahead of us.

“So are you excited?” I asked her. She nodded without looking at me but I could see the bright smile on her face.

“Yep, I’ve always wanted to go to Jamaica” she said turning to face me.

“Me too. I’ve always wanted to leave Britain but I never imagined gong to both America and Jamaica” I said. She smiled at me.

“Well I’m glad we’re experiencing this together” she said. All I could do was stare at her. She seemed different since lately, happy. I was very welcoming of this change but I just needed time to get used to it.

She shook her head at my expression and plugged her ear bud in. For the rest of the flight I stared at her while she stared through the window at the scenery. I could look through the window when we were coming back but the look on Maya’s face right now as she was looking out the window was priceless.

Maya’s P.O.V

He stared at me for the entire plane ride, which was kind of creepy, but I liked it!

Austin’s P.O.V

Five hours later we arrived at around 10:30pm. We would have been here earlier but there was a delay. We got our bags and headed outside the airport where a car was waiting on us to take us to the hotel. The air was chilly but nothing like how it felt in America where we were a couple hours ago, that was COLD!

We were staying at a hotel called RIU which was a Spanish name, Spanish hotel. The scenery on the way to the hotel was amazing. No one other than me seemed to care about the scenery because everybody was sleeping.

By the time we got to the hotel it was past 11 o’ clock (may seem late but where we were in America-Arizona- is two hours behind in Jamaica :o yep). Tony carried Arianna, bridal style inside the hotel and before I could touch Maya she woke up.

As we walked into the hotel I couldn’t help but notice its beauty. It had high ceilings and beautiful decor. It was painted lavender purple and it had circles all over. We got checked in by a female receptionist who kept giving Tony googly eyes even though it was hard to miss the sleeping Arianna in his arms but Tony didn’t even realise. Maya chuckled beside me.

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