Chapter 4- Change(s)?

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Beck’s P.O.V

Meeting Maya was the best part of my school experience so far. She was beautiful in a unique way-her red and black hair just made her green eyes pop and shine- and she was smart and had a sense of humour but she was very quiet at times and had no friends. She didn’t seem to mind though and neither did I, they were idiots!

We hung out with each other all week and I notice that I really was the only one she spoke to, wow they didn’t know what they were missing out on. She was the only one I spoke to as well. Everyone at the school just seemed fake and superficial. I mean there probably were other nice people that I could find if I tried but none of them would have been like Maya, she was special. Plus I was leaving in three months anyway so what sense would it make?

In a lot of ways Maya and I were alike. We both liked the same music, bands (Paramore, Hot Chelle Rae, Florence and the machine etc.) we both like reading and directing and we both have a need for silence and to be alone sometimes.

When I first saw her I thought, ‘Wow what a beautiful girl’ then I never saw her again until the next Monday. I thought she wouldn’t have spoken to me because she seemed so closed off and to herself and like she would dismiss anyone who spoke to her but that was not so and I’m glad I decided to talk to her.

When my mother saw her the first day under the tree with me she told me that Maya was beautiful, like I didn’t already know, and that she was a keeper. I liked Maya but not as a girlfriend, more as a companion. We were both too much alike to be with each other, plus she reminded me which was kind of weird. Even though I didn’t like Maya like that, I couldn’t nor anyone else over look her beauty. She just looked different from every other girl, unique. She looked pure, even her heart, she was a kind-hearted person. I didn’t know her for long yet I already knew all of these things, I also know that anyone would fall easily for her and whoever the person is that gets her would be someone lucky and special.

We ate lunch together all week outside under a tree and after school we chatted under the same tree until my mother came for me. Most times we talked but a lot but sometimes we just sat and read or just stared, enjoying the silence. Today was Friday and she was coming over for dinner. My mother told me to invite her over because I had spoken about Maya (my ONLY friend) and she had wanted to meet her. I knew my parents would love her as much as I did so I was looking forward to it.

Maya’s P.O.V

School was over and it was Friday, thank God! I spent the whole week with Beck. He was a great guy. He was funny, smart and we were a lot alike. I didn’t like him in a romantic way though, just as a friend. We were just comfortable with each other, we understood each other without having to speak and I enjoyed his company. Even though Beck was a good friend I still missed Austin. We still weren’t speaking and it was killing me. I was going to talking to him today after school at home but Beck invited me to dinner at his house. I took that as a sign that I just wasn’t meant to talk to him.

“Maya!” shouted Beck. “I’m leaving”. I jumped, shocked, then I realised that his mother was here.

“Hello” I said getting up and walking towards Beck’s mother.

“Hello sweetie. Looking forward to seeing you tonight” she said with a bright smile.

I was kind of looking forward too. I had never had a friend or been over to anyone’s house other than family friends (which were old) so I was excited.

“Me too” I said and with that her and Beck waved good-bye and drove off.

 I went to my car and drove home feeling good.

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