Chapter 5- Happy

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The next day, which was Saturday, I woke up feeling ‘Happy’. I finally decided that I was going to change, I want to be healed. I went downstairs and ate the breakfast that my mother had already made. There was a note that said her and Tony would be gone all day because they had a case and needed to consult with their clients.

I washed my dish then went upstairs to wake Austin. I knocked on his door.

“Hi” he said a little shocked that I was at his door. I smiled.

“Hey, don’t ask questions, just role with it ok?” I said. He nodded.

“Would you like to do something fun today?” I asked. He grinned and nodded enthusiastically pulling me into his room and sitting me on his bed. He ran into his bathroom and then I heard the shower. I got up and went to my room to shower as well. When I finished and put on my clothes (a white tank top with a green cardigan over it, white skinny jeans and black slipper) I headed into my room only to see Austin sitting on my bed shirtless. He looked up at me and sighed then smiled and began walking to my door.

“Wait, what were you doing in here and why were you looking on me like that?” I asked. I blushed because of his shirtless figure in front of me and held my head down.

He began with a sigh “I thought you were going to ditch me because when I came out of the shower you weren’t there so I came to see if you were still up for it. Seeing that you’re dressed, I guess you are.” He said smiling and opening the door, “By the way you look really nice” he said without turning around and with that he was gone. I was blushing like mad, for what reason? I really don’t know.


 We went to a bowling rink; I had never been to one before or anywhere other than restaurants with my parents, the cafe or the movie (by myself) and it was really fun. Austin taught me and apparently I was a natural because I beat him like 10 times. When he got tired of me beating him we left. We were there from 12 and never left until 4:30.

After we left there we decided to go to Wendy’s for lunch, I got a salad and he had a burger. We talked about our week briefly and then I joked a little about beating him, I missed him. We finished eating and headed home.

“Want to watch a movie?” he asked once we were settled on the couch. I was sitting on the chair and he was sitting across from me.

“Yea, how about J-”

“Juno?” he finished for me. I smiled and nodded.

We watched Juno until it was over but Austin missed half of it because he was sleeping. I covered him up and went upstairs to my bed feeling ‘Happy’.

Austin’s P.O.V

I was so happy when she asked me to hang out. We went to the bowling rink then we ate. When we got home we watched a movie, her favourite, Juno. That was the best day I’ve had since school started.

She was gone all day Sunday. I texted her earlier in the day asking her if she wanted to hang out but she said she would be at Beck’s house all day. I was disappointed but I was glad she had a friend, even if her friend was stealing mine.


Maya’s P.O.V

It was now Christmas break. Exams had gone by smoothly and I was happy to be out of school. Austin and I were fine in theory but not really in practice. We hadn’t really spoken to each other since the day we hung out at the bowling rink, I never really meant to not talk to him but I just didn’t. I couldn’t talk to him at school because I didn’t want Rita and her gang to mob me and I didn’t talk to him at home because I was studying for exams and so was he. So before I knew it months had gone by without us talking.

I hung out with Beck for most of that time though. We studied together (seeing as how we do most of the same subjects). He left a little before the exams started and I was sad but not all that sad because we had applied to the same colleges and hopefully we would see each other soon, plus we could text.

He was my only friend (other than Austin but y’all know the deal with that). The school made him take his exams early because he was leaving and then they would send him his results.

I didn’t cry when he was leaving and neither did he. It wasn’t all that sad of an occasion, not like he was dying or something. His mother did though. She took us out to a farewell dinner and burst into the waterworks. She had gotten attached to me due to the fact that I was at her house practically every day although we didn’t really talk that much, go figure, I’m just that good!

The next day he was gone. I missed him yes but I was used to being alone at school so I could get through it plus it was just exams.

The exams were finish and I was free.

Exams finished on Thursday and now it was Saturday morning and I was packing. My mother told Austin and I on Thursday night that we were going on vacation and I was excited. I wanted to get away from the snow. It shocked me that it was snowing because the months leading up to December were hot but here it was, snowing.

We were going the Caribbean and I could wait! I loved the Caribbean and I was happy that I was finally getting to go.

Beck’s P.O.V

I was sad that I was leaving Maya. In all my years travelling with my parents this was the first time that I actually was going to miss someone. She was a great person and I enjoyed talking to her and hanging out with her. She could brighten my day with her smile and she had become my best friend. I knew that I would miss her a lot but I focused my mind on September. We would be going to the same school and I would get to see her every day.

 I know my parents missed her too especially my mother, she had grown to like Maya and she would miss her greatly but we had to leave and we couldn’t help but miss her.

                                         END OF CHAPPIE!

 ENjoy peach cobblers!

If You Saw My BruisesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora