Bonus chapter

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Ok so I was asked to write a chapter on when Austin proposed to Maya so here it goes!


"Stop!" I screamed at Austin. He was beginning to to piss me off and I couldn't take it anymore. I  got up and stormed out of my dorm room.

It was our 3 year anniversary and he wanted to dress up and go to a fancy restaurant while I wanted to go to Wendy's Wings Shack. He had been asking me for the past two weeks and everytime he asked I said 'no'. ALL i wanted to do was to hurry and get moved out and off that campus and start my job and new life (with a little wings O.o)

I didn't even know why it was so important to him, I mean after 3 years of dealing with me the only thing I would celebrate about is if I got rid of myself.

I'm not entirely sure why I didn't want to celebrate but I just didn't. If he said we were going as a graduation present (which was the same day) then maybe I would have gone but anniversay? nah.

"Maya! Please, wait" screamed Austin. The desperation in his voice made me stop in my tracks.

I turned around with a smile on my face. He knew I liked to play with him and with the amount of times I did this you'd think he'd be used to it by now but majorty of the times I'm not even sure whether I'm joking or not so I dont wrong him for taking it seriously EVERYtime.

 "Could you please stop doing that?" he asked exasperated. 

"Doing what?" I replyed sweetly.

"Maya, you always win. I want to do something nice for you, please?"

"You know how I feel about this stuff. I don't mind having wings, its my fav food"

He sighed knowing that he wouldn't win and not really caring because that's how much he loved me.

"Ok, wings it is"

Austin's P.O.V

Gosh she was so stubborn. Everytime I tried to do something nice for her she would shut me down and the worst part is that if I were to give up I wouldn't hear the end of it. It's was a good thing I didn't want to; Maya was completely worth the wait, effort, worth everything that's why I wanted to propose to her. 

I knew she wouldn't take it well, she would probably run away screaming but I knew I had to do it because she was the only person I wanted to spend my life with and I wasn't going to stop fighting for her.

"Let's go" I conceded.

We walked hand-in-hand to the wing place, the whole time I was a nervous wreck. Since she completely ruined my 'fancy' proposal I had to think of another one which I was not the least bit happy about.

Fifteen minutes later we were seated in Wendy's Wing Shack eating buffalo wings and drinking soda when I just blurted it out.

"Will you marry me?!" 

Maya was in the middle of eating when she froze mid-wing and just stared at me for at least 20 minutes with a blank expression.

I was beginning to get worried so I reached over to touch her when she snapped out of it.

"What!?" she asked (more like shouted), half the diner turned to stare at us.

"I aske if-" before I could finish she cut me off.

"I know but..why would you even do that?" she asked.

"I'm not're not happy?" I was utterly confused.

"No... marriage? I'm broken, you deserve better" she screamed which earned us a few weird looks.

"What do you think I've been doing these past 3 years, killing time?" I was beyond upset. Didn't she know I loved her?  "If I thought I wasn't good enough for you I would have been gone a long time. As a matter of fact, you're too goo for me"  she looked at me like I was crazy and frankly I was beginning to think I was. I've told her almost every day over these past 3 years how much I love her and how wonderful she is but she never seemed to believe me.

 We sat there staring at each other for another hour then she burst into tears and ran out of the diner. I sat there a few seconds completely lost as to what just happened then I got up and ran after her. I found her sitting on a bench nearby staring up at the stars.

"Can I sit here?" I asked. She turned to me and  looked deep into my eyes then she said "Ok"

I sat saying thank you but she stopped me.

"That's not what I meant"

"Huh?" was my response.

"I'll marry you" she said. When I didn't respond she continued.

"I know you love me but I just can't seem to actually get past it...I don't know bt I know I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you so yes I'll marry you" 

"Wonderful! we can start planning it right away! Who are you gonna invited" I got up and started walking back to the restaurant. when I realised Maya wasn't following me I looked back to see her on the floor dying with laughter.

"Why are you laughing, you weren't fibbing right?" I asked praying she wasn't.

She shook her head after her laughter had died down a little. "No I'm gonna marry you but your reaction was priceless, no yay or hugging or thanking?"

I chuckled feeling a little bad. "Well I just wanted to hurry and plan in case you changed your mind" I said. She shook her head but chuckled anyways.

"You are a smart man" she said slapping my bum and walking past me towards the diner "I can't wait to to be married to you"

"Me either" I said giving her a sideways hug and kissing her temple.

Austin & Maya's P.O.V

"So that's how your daddy proposed to me kiddies, nice huh?" I said looking over to Austin who was sitting beside me smiling at our beautiful boys.

Both Aussi and Ari nodded and beamed from ear to ear.

 "Thath how I'm gonna propoth to my wife too" said Ari in his adorable little 4 year old voice. 

 "Me too" agreed Aussi. I had to laugh.

"Ok make sure I'm there ok?"

"That would make for a good laugh" said Austin.

"Ok mommy" they said in unison. They both yawned and I knew they were tired.

"Go to sleep now boys daddy will tuck you in" I walked out of the room with a huge smile on my face. I loved those boys with all my heart and I would do anything for them. I felt lucky to have Austin, Aussi and Ari in my life and I was truley blessed. 

"How are you feeling my beautiful wife?" he asked as he hugged me from behind.

"Great, I'm glad I decided to marry you" I felt him chuckle behind me.

"Don't you mean your happy I proposed" I rolled my eyes.

"Nope, now goodnight husband"

"Goodnight wife, I love you."

"I love you too"


Well here is the bonus chapter for all who wants to read it enjoy and love ya!

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