Chapter 7- Bleed / Accident

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I woke up Saturday morning feeling happy and refreshed for some reason which was surprising being that it was way too early for anyone to be up (5 am). The vacation had turned out different than I’d hoped but I wasn’t going to let it ruin my happiness.

I got out of bed, put on my robe and headed downstairs. Seeing as how I was the first one up I figured I would make breakfast for everyone, including myself. I made eggs, bacon, toast and coffee then I went to watch TV. 

Austin’s P.O.V

I woke to the smell of bacon and coffee. My stomach growled signalling that I needed to get downstairs fast! I brushed my teeth then headed downstairs to the smell of goodness.

When I got to the kitchen the food was on the counter. I didn’t see Mrs. Tremain and I looked at the clock and realise how early it was. I got a plate and took some of the food then I headed to the living room. I was shocked to find Maya there with food, laughing. She turned to me and smiled at my shocked expression.

This was all weird I mean, why was she being so not awkward after what happened on the vacation? If she was fine then I would be too or at least I’d try.

I sat down beside her on the chair and began eating my breakfast. She looked at me for a while.

“No good morning?” she said with a playful smile. Playful?!

“Oh, sorry morning May” I said. Her smile grew. I missed her smile, especially when it was directed towards me.  Her face grew serious and she looked at me intensely.

“Look, things don’t have to be awkward between us. I’m in a happy mood and I want us to just forget about that ok? I miss just hanging out with you Aussi” she said. I was kind of hurt because I didn’t want to forget about that night, I loved that night, even though it ended badly.

“I miss you too” was all I could force out. On one hand hearing her say her nickname for me made my heart do flips but on the other she wanted me to forget about the best night of my life, which hurt like hell.

I wish she would talk to me, like really talk to me. I talk to her about my family, my father, even my mother who had left my father with me alone when I was born but yet she wouldn’t tell me anything. She must have noticed the sad expression on my face so she put her hand on top of mine on my lap and squeezed it. I appreciated this gesture because though small I knew it took a lot for Maya to be able to willingly touch anyone.

“I’ll tell you everything tonight” she said then got up and walked away.

I was so happy, she was finally going to let me in and I couldn’t contain my excitement. I sat there for a while soaking it in then I headed upstairs thinking about ‘tonight’.



Maya’s P.O.V

 I was going to talk to Austin tonight. I was nervous because all my secrets and all the things I had been trying to keep from him would come out and I was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to handle it and desert me. I pushed nervousness to the back of my mind and got ready.

It was 8 pm and I was about to leave the house. I had texted Austin that we would meet up at an open lot near the cafe at 9 then I would take him to my secret place. I was leaving early so that I had enough time to prepare myself and think.

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