Chapter 8- Recovery

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This chapter is dedicated to-the above- because she was the first to comment on my story, so thabnks and enjoy!

I was sore all over when I woke up and everything hurt. I couldn’t remember where I was and the light in the room was blinding me. I felt someone shift behind me and I screamed as best as I could which only caused me pain. The person who was behind me jumped out of bed. He looked at my confused then he grabbed me.

“Your awake! I’m so happy!” he said. He had long shoulder-length brown hair and bluish-grey eyes. He also had a British accent. He was very attractive but that didn’t mean he could just come lay up in bed with me.

I was so shocked from his outburst that I could barely feel the pain that shot through my body from his tight hug. He let me go when two other people entered the room. They were attractive as well but neither of them looked like the young man that was lying with me. The lady had red hair and beautiful green eyes. She was also short compared to the man that was standing beside her, probably her husband. He was very tall and he had short brown hair and he had blue eyes, he was very handsome. The young man looked nothing like them, maybe he was adopted.

“Maya you’re awake!” screamed the woman with tears streaming down her face. I wondered why they were in my room and why they were calling me Maya; maybe they had the wrong room.

“Who are you people? Doctor!” I screamed.

“I’m your mother Maya” the woman said pleadingly. I felt bad for her; obviously she was mistaking me for someone else.

The doctor came bursting through the doors.

“What’s happening?” he asked then his eyes fell on me “Ah, Maya’s awake”

“Can you tell these people to leave me alone” I asked. The woman’s face fell and she began wailing.

He ushered them out of the room and told me to get some rest. When they were leaving the room the young man that was in the bed with me gave one last pleading look then he shut the door and they were gone. I could help but feel like I knew them but I couldn’t remember them. I really hope they found who they were looking for.


Austin’s P.O.V

Maya didn’t remember us, how could that be? Just the look on her face, how frightened she was. I couldn’t control my emotions. I was happy because she was awake but I was angry because she couldn’t remember us and I was angry at the man who did this to her.

The doctor explained to us that memory loss was common and that he didn’t think Maya’s would be permanent. This didn’t help Arianna though she still kept on crying. I could tell that Tony wanted to cry too but he had to be strong for Arianna. I, on the other hand, had to be strong for no one so I broke down.

Maya’s P.O.V

I was kept awake by crying outside my door. A woman was out there crying hysterically for most of the night, I wondered what had happened that had hr crying so much but I was still annoyed. When she finally stopped crying I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep, although I could already see signs of day.

I woke up at 10:16 the next day to a nurse in my room checking my I.V. when she saw that I was awake she wrote something down on her pad and walked out of the room. After she left I was in my room alone for a while until the doctor came in with my pills and food.

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