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"Jodie?" Professor Chaz yelled, "You listening sweetie?"
I sat up, "Yeah.. Sorry sir."

Senior year of college has been the hardest. I can't bring myself to be truly happy, so I just focus on studying as much as I can.
I've always had sadness deep in my heart after I found out Razor and Wolf were killed.

Wolf the night they left.
Razor a couple weeks later.

Razor allegedly went back to visit his hometown while living with Dakota, and was killed in a drive by. I couldn't go to their funerals. I just couldn't do it. It was closed casket for Wolf because he was shot in the head. Marley went for me and took pictures. Dakota and Minnie were there with their children. I wanted to be like them so much with my own family. Now I think I never will..
I can't love another man...I can never ever love another man. Wolf came in my life and shook it up in a way that I could never forget. I belong to him and nobody else. I have his name tattooed. On my neck, where he could always kiss it. When the hickey started to fade away, I tattood "Wolf" on it. It's a small tattoo, but it means a lot to me.

Razor was buried around where he grew up. But, Wolf was cremated. I tried to get his ashes but apparently I had no rights to them. I went to ask Dakota if he had them, but he said he thinks Wolf's mom got them. He seemed nervous talking about Wolf and his death, so I let it go and haven't talked to him since. Wolf didn't write a will, so all that I had left of him was some of his clothes that were left at my house, pictures, the car he bought me, and my memories. I can't find out who took all of his things from his house.. I came to the conclusion that Razor must've got them after he died and they're probably at Dakota's house.. A couple of the hoodies he left still smell like him after all these years, but I cry every time I see them. I always feel him with me. I just wish that he could be.
Now that I'm alone, I learned to become more independent. I moved to California to major in film. I discovered that I'm one hell of an actress. I have my own apartment, but I still use the car Wolf gave me. I haven't called anyone from my hometown since I left except for my parents and other family of course.
Marley and Ariel ended up breaking up after a couple of months. I knew they wouldn't last anyways. Marley stayed in Ohio to major in music. I haven't heard anything else about either of them.

Royce is in jail for murdering Razor.
James Thompson is in jail for murdering the infamous Wolf.
I guess Wolf was right, he was just trying to protect me.

Class was over and I walked out, heading to my car.
"Wait!" someone yelled I looked back to see Kat running towards me.

Kat was my friend from church back in Ohio . She just happened to also come to my school in California. I'm just glad someone was with me.
"Hey!" I said.
She sighed, "How are you? I know you always get sad this time of year."

I hung my head down.

"Baby don't cry," He whispered, "I lived a good life. You made me so happy, you know that?"
"Don't talk like that!"
"I just need to say it now while I have the time."
"But Wolfey-"
"You made me a better man. You showed me all that I can really do. You showed me that I love music," He laughed, "I never thought I was that good of a singer."

I wiped a tear and smiled, "You're the best singer in the World."
"I never had even thought about having kids, either." He looked at me and sighed, "I never told you, but I imagine us with a family sometimes."

"Yeah," He smiled, "A daughter named Wolfalina and a son named Wolf."

I laughed to myself and looked back up,"I think I'll be okay this time."
She smiled,"You're blessed Jodie. This situation could've been way worse."

"I know."
"Come on," she grabbed my keys, "I'll take you to lunch."

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