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*Wolf's Flashback*

"Did you get the paperwork?" I asked Dakota.
"Yeah, Mrs. Amini sent it to me a long time ago."

I looked at Minnie and watched her say bye to her children. They were crying and didn't want her to go. But, she just kissed their foreheads and smiled at them.
"Mommy," I mumbled, "You don't have to do this if you want want to. I can probably find someone else to-"

She ran over to me and tightly wrapped her arms around me.
"It's nothing honey!" She looked at me and whispered, "I needed a vacation anyways."

I laughed and walked over to get her suitcase for her.
"I'll carry it, Wes!" She yelled followed by the sound of her little feet running towards me.
I picked up the suitcase, "But Mommy-"
"No! I can do it!" She grabbed the suitcase from my hand, it was almost as tall as her.

"Just let me take it to the car!" I said.
"No! I got it!"
"Please!? I owe you!"
"No you don't! "

Dakota laughed and sat on the couch, "You can't argue with her Wesley. You know that."
I looked down at Minnie and she gave me a wide smile.

I sighed, "Well... Have a nice trip."
She lifted up the suitcase handle and started to pull it along with her.

Dakota and I watched the tiny woman walk towards the door. I hope she stays safe. She's really tiny to be travelling to the Philippines alone. Luckily Mr. And Mrs. Amini agreed to meet her there.

She stopped in front of the door and looked back at us, "I'll tell you when the paperwork gets signed!"
"Thanks mama!"

She looked at Dakota and her eyes fluttered at him. I love the way they look at each other.. I can't wait to be with my Princess again.

"Bye hubby," She sang.
Their daughter jumped on his lap, "Bye wifey.." He looked down at Angel, "Say bye to Mommy!"

She wiped a tear and waved, "Bye mommy!"

Minnie slowly turned around then froze.

"What's wrong?!" I yelled.

She instantly smiled at someone outside. I heard a door shut and someone's footsteps get closer to the door.
"Oh!" Minnie yelled, "Hi JODIE!"


"No!!" He yelled, "You need to hide!!"

I grunted and quickly ran upstairs.

My baby.
My Jodie.
My Jo Jo.

I heard the door open so I quickly hid behind a wall upstairs, still able to glance at downstairs.

"Hi Jodie!" Dakota said, "Nice to see you again."

Then I saw her.
She was wearing a tight green dress.

Damn she's fuckin hot...look at her. Look at how she walks. Look at how she stands. Look at her skin. She's perfect. I should run down there right now and-

"Is there anything you need?" Dakota asked nervously.
"Um.." She shyly smiled, "Just wondering if you had anything left from Wolf?"

"Uh..... Um. No sorry."


"Oh.." She hung her head down and moved her hair behind her head.
"Anything else?" He asked.
She quickly looked back at him, "Do you..happen to know where his ashes are?"

I felt my heart burn. I could feel the blood in my veins sting for her. This is so wrong. My poor baby misses me and she needs me.

"Oh..." Dakota said softly, "No.. I-I think his mom has them-"

She covered her face and began to cry silently.
I need to go down there.
I need to pick her up in my arms and tell her everything's okay.

"I'm sorry, Jodie." Dakota said.
"I'm just gonna go." She quickly turned around and left the house without looking back.

Dakota slowly walked behind her and closed the door back.
"That was hard," He mumbled.
"How do you think I feel?!" I yelled back.

He looked up at me, "It'll be over soon, Wesley."
I sat at the top of the stairs, "But I fuckin miss her, man!"
He walked over the the staircase then slowly marched up them.
"It'll be over soon," He put his hand on my shoulder, "It'll be over before you know it."

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