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This chapter may be too much for sensitive viewers because it's extremely graphic. You DO NOT have to read this chapter, you'll still understand the story perfectly. If you read Kanoa's Love, you'll know who Sammie is from my last chapter. I will be updating with the next chapter immediately after I uploaded this one. I've decided to write this chapter even though it's brutal, because I feel that we've become so desensitized to cruel things in the world, that we don't react the way we should when sad things happen in third world countries. I witnessed something disgusting today. In class we watched videos about tragedies of mass shootings in other places of the world, and everyone watched and saw the pictures of these people...
And didn't care.

In memory of all the women who died on Imperial Avenue in Cleveland and all of the women in Africa, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, and everywhere else where this happens every day.
Much Love,


I sat on the sidewalk with my legs crossed looking around. I was wearing my usual torn up outfit and had a scratchy orange blanket over me. Oddly I didn't see anyone today.. But The Beast made it clear that if I don't get any women today that I can't come home.
After a few hours I decided I'd probably have to sleep on the streets again tonight. It's getting late and the sun is already going down. I laid down and folded up my blanket as a pillow.
I sighed and laid down on it, closing my eyes to listen to the wind blow.

I opened my eyes and there was a woman sitting in front of me.


I smiled and sat up, switching on my acting mode.

"Hi Miss. Lady," I said sweetly.
She smiled brightly, "You can just call me Sammie."
I giggled,"Hi Sammie."

"How old are you?" She asked. I noticed she had pretty brown hair and seemed like he was mixed.
"Ten," I replied.
"Wow! Double digits!"

I laughed, "Yeah!" I was so happy to finally be at double digits, but The Beast said it didn't matter... I've never even had a birthday party.
"Are you hungry?" She asked, "I was just about to head to the store up the street."

I nodded and jumped up. She smiled and started to walk with me down the sidewalk.
"It's my birthday today!" Sammie announced, "I'm fifteen."

I smiled,"Woah you're a teenager!?"
"Yeah! Next year I'll be able to drive!!"
"If you want, I'll take you to an arcade one day."

Those always looked fun!

"That's awesome!!" I yelled.

She laughed and held the door open for me to walk in the store.
"So," She said, "Where's your mommy?"
I sighed, "We're homeless."

She paused and looked at me in my eyes.
"What?" I asked.
"You're lying."
"Nuh uh!"
"Yeah huh!!"

What do I do what do I do what do I do??

I put my hands in my pockets and looked up at her, unsure of what to say.
She chuckled and bent down to be face to face with me.

"Where's your mommy?" She asked, "I won't tell."
"I can't tell you."

She smiled and grabbed a bag of candy off of a table, "Tell me and this is all yours!"
I smiled big... Then frowned.

"M-My mommy is mean so... I live with someone else."
She tilted her head and rose her eyebrows, "Aw... I'm so sorry."

"It's okay."

I had never told anyone about my mom before... It felt so good to finally get that off my chest.

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