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"This is the house, babe." I looked at the now boarded up house and cringed. Both Wolf and Charles promised to show me where he's from one day.

Now that day is here.

"So much happened.. So much."
I started to feel Charles's... Wolf's pain.

He leaned in towards the house, "We can probably get inside-"
"We don't have to."

He let go of my hand and walked up the cement steps. There was a board in front of the door, but it wasn't very secure. He grabbed it, and easily moved it to the side. Then he pushed the door in, causing dust to fly out.

He looked in and sighed.
"You okay, Baby?" I asked.
"Yeah, come here."

I nodded and walked up the steps to grab his hand. I didn't wanna show it, but I was terrified. This city was beyond worn down. There hasn't been a second yet that I haven't heard a police siren.

We walked inside and there was no furniture. Dust lined the yellow walls and danced around the carpet making me want to sneeze. He led me to the corner of the room. It was next to a doorway leading to the kitchen. He sighed and sat on the floor in that corner. I wasn't sure what to do, so I sat next to him.

He was staring at the other side of the room, so I looked too. I didn't see anything... But then I noticed the big white splotch in the carpet. I mean, the carpet was white but this part was way whiter.

"What happened there?" I asked. He exhaled then closed his eyes. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"No, I need to." He opened his eyes back at that spot. "I wanna tell you this."
"Okay, " l leaned onto his shoulder, "I'm listening."

"When I was little, Beast used to make me bring in girls. But one day, I met a girl named Sammie. She was fifteen, and the sweetest girl in the world." He smiled then sighed again, "But I forgot about the Beast's plan and he took her from me... He raped her."

I gasped and felt shock throughout my body. I looked at that spot again.. Oh please tell me it didn't happen there.

"I sat right here, singing to Razor while he cried watching her. She started to fight back, so he and all the other men stabbed her to death... There was blood everywhere. Then he made me cut up her body."
"Are you serious?!"
"The next day the house was clean. But that spot was always cleaner because Beast bleached it... It never went away."

I couldn't believe it.. I knew he grew up hard but I guess I never really thought about how hard.

"What happened to her body?" I asked.
"I had to bury it in the woods somewhere. They found her when I was in jail still.. I just remember watching the news, and her parents crying....It's all my fault."

"No it's not!"
"If I had never brought her near here, she'd still be alive."
"Wolf, it's not your fault that The Beast killed someone! You're not a bad man!"

I felt myself about to cry so I hugged him. Why is the world so cruel go innocent people!?

"Let's go." He stood up pulling me up with him, "This place makes me sick."


We walked down the sidewalk for a few blocks in silence. It was early in the morning so there was pretty much nobody outside except for us. Charles insisted on wearing a black suit, even though it's hot and sunny. But I was comfortable in my shorts and t-shirt.
"Wolf I can't lie, this place kinda scares me."

He chuckled, "It should. But you're safe baby, don't worry."
"But what if-"

Suddenly we was something that stopped both of us in our tracks.
A house.
A nice white house.

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