Day before

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Savannahs P.O.V

It's been another two weeks since Demi left, we've skyped everyday and I've even spoken to Macy, she seems pretty cool and she's pretty, they even told me about being fake girlfriends, well Macy did Demi didn't mention it until Macy brought it up, I probably would have done the same thing her ex seems like a total bitch.

Anyway it's the day before Jays 6th birthday, I was talking to Demi last night and she said that she won't be able to make it because her schedule is too busy, I still have a lot of organising to do but with the help of my friends it's been a lot easier than I expected. Planning a party is actually stressing, making sure you have everything and that it will turn out good is horrible, Jay decided she wanted a Bieber themed birthday so of course that's what she's getting.

"Hello" I answered my phone as Ashley called.
"Hey, what time do you need me over?"
"Within the next 2o minutes would be great if possible"
"Of course, I'll be there soon" Ashley hung up so I went back to getting dressed, once dressed I quickly did my hair and makeup before getting my shoes on and making sure Jay was ready, I'll be dropping her off at Jerseys house so I can organise the party setup and stuff so she's staying there the night.

Ashley arrived 15 minutes later and we headed to the shops, we headed to a party supply store first before anywhere else.

"Why did this child have to have a Bieber themed birthday? It would be a lot easier if she wanted fairies or some shit" Ashley laughed after spending 2 hours shopping for Bieber stuffed.
"You know that's not Jay" I laughed.
"True, but let's get a coffee before we continue"
"Yes, I'm in need of one" I agreed.

We went to a close by café and got a coffee each but decided to get it take away so we could drink and shop, as we were leaving the café someone bumped into me and I spilt my coffee all over my jacket.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" the random girl panicked.
"It's okay, I should've been more careful" I smiled.
"Wait, Savannah Lloyd?" The girl asked.
"That's me" I smiled, then it hit me.
"Wait you're the police officer that took me to the station when Jay was in hospital" I added.
"Yep, that's me" she laughed.
"We didn't go for a coffee" I smiled.
"I know" she frowned.
"Sorry bout that" I scratched the back of my neck.
"Make it up to me?" She asked.
"Tonight?" She questioned.
"I'm pretty sure I'm free" I gave her a smile.
"Okay well I've got a new number so"

I gave Reigan my phone and she put her number in it then we said our goodbyes.

"Who's that?" Ashley asked.
"Remember the day we had that fight after the accident?" I questioned.
"Uh yeah"
"We she's one of the officers who came to question me about it"
"Ohh she's hot" Ashley laughed.
"Yeah" I laughed with her.

We continued shopping for another 4 hours then headed home and started setting the place up so I can go out later.

"Where do you want the banner?" Ashley asked.
"Umm, maybe over there" I pointed to above the dining entry.
"No problem"

We finished with all the decorations instead of the balloons, we decided to do them tomorrow morning.

"So how are you and Demi?" Ashley asked as we sat down on the couch.
"We're okay, I guess"
"You guess?" Ashley frowned.
"Yeah, I dunno, just her being away is hard"
"What about this Macy chick? She alright?"
"Yeah, she's a little too touchy feely with Demi" I answered.
"You think she likes Demi?"
"Definitely, and as much as Demi won't admit it I'm pretty sure she likes her even if it's the tiniest bit" I sighed.
"That sucks man"
"Yeah, she'll be home soon and everything will be fine" I smiled.
"Xbox time?"
"Duh" I jumped up and set the Xbox up and put NBA2k13 in.
"I'm the celeb team tho, Bieber is Ma man" I laughed.

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