New York to LA

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Ashley's P.O.V

2 weeks later.

"So you and Demi are going good?" I questioned.
"Yeah, it's great but we are still in the honeymoon stage so we will see once things get further into our relationship"
"So how long do you need me to look after Jay for?"
"What do you mean?" She sniffled.
"You're sick, too sick to look after Jay by yourself and Demi is away for the next few days so I'll take Jay until Demi gets back or until you're better if Demi doesn't want to look after Jay"
"I really appreciate it Ash but it's a part of motherhood"
"Yes that may be so but normally when there's a child involved there's two parents around not just one, so tell the little munchkin to pack a bag I've got this covered plus if I need help Jersey and Amy only live around the corner" I smiled at her as she stood up to find Jay.
"Oh and I've got Lyric as well so pack whatever she will need" I called out.

Ten minutes later Sav and Jay came out with a few bags and Jay was bouncing up and down.

"You got ants in your pants or something there child?" I questioned.
"Nope, just excited to annoy you" she smiled at me before poking her tongue out at me.
"Is that so? I can be quite annoy ya know"
"Bring it on" she laughed and jumped on me.

I tickled her until Sav started having a coughing fit across from us.

"Momma, you alright?" Jay asked.
"I'm good babygirl, I'm going to go have a lay down but have fun with Aunty Ash okay"
"Okay momma, get better" Jay gave Sav a hug then we left so Sav could have a lay down.
"Can we have a movie night tonight?" Jay asked as I began driving to my place.
"Sure but no Bieber, he's off limits at least for tonight maybe tomorrow we can watch it"
"Fine, party pooper" I looked in the rear vision mirror to see Jay smiling, I poked my tongue out at her before returning my gaze back to the road.
"I'm staving!" Jay complained not even two minutes later.
"You just ate pancakes how can you still be hungry?"
"I'm a big girl now silly"
"Oh right, how could I forget" I laughed and pulled into my driveway.

Once we got inside Jay ran straight to the kitchen while Lyric laid on the couch.

"Okay kitchen is open for ten minutes so decide what you want and be quick" I informed Jay.
"Umm, fruit salad please"
"Sure thing, do you want to help grab the fruit?" I questioned.

Jay nodded and ran to the fridge and grabbed the fruit.

"Okay so we have grapes, Apple, orange, banana and mango, is that good enough?"

I smiled at her then started chopping the fruit that needed to be cut up then placed it all in a bowl and gave Jay a fork after setting the bowl in front of her.

"Thanks ashy"
"You're welcome sweetie, I'm just going to sort out the spare room call out if you need me"

Jay nodded as she put a piece of apple into her mouth, I smiled and walked to the spare room after grabbing Jayleigh's stuff, I put her stuffed animals on the bed along with her Bieber pillow then went to my room and changed from my shorts into a pair of sweats considering it was pretty cold.

The rest of the day was spent playing tea cups and dress ups with Jay until dinner then after dinner we watched a bunch of movies in my bed until we both crashed.

Demi's P.O.V

"Hey baby" I spoke into the phone.
"Hi dems"
"How's my girl feeling today?"
"It's getting worse, I haven't even gotten out of bed today, everything hurts Demi" Sav began to cry.
"Aww I'm sorry baby, I wish I could be there but there's only a few more days and I'll be back, have you spoken to Ashley today to see how Jay is?"
"Yeah, Jay is having a ball"
"Well that's good" I smiled thinking of Jay having fun but then frowned once the thought of Sav being sick and in bed all day appeared.

Here We Go Again(Sequel to Only You)Where stories live. Discover now