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Cassidy's P.O.V

It's been two days since I found out about Hayley and Sav sleeping together, I've spoken to Hayley about it and she just insists I talk to Sav and that there's more to the story than what Normani said.

So that my friends is why I'm sitting at Starbucks with Hayley and waiting for Savannah.

Five minutes later Sav arrived by herself like I asked her to come.

"Hi" she said softly.
"Hi" I replied, Hayley just stayed quite.
"So I've tried talking to Hayley about what happened that night but she insists that I talk to you because there is more to the story than what I was told, is that true?"
"Why did you have to say that!" Sav's question was directed to Hayley.
"I'm sorry!"
"Well?" I asked.

Sav sighed and looked down to her lap.

"I relapsed" she whispered.
"You drunk alcohol?" I questioned.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I hate myself enough as it is, I don't need other people telling me what I did was stupid, because I already know that I fucked up and I'm sorry I hurt you in the process"

I sighed and looked at Hayley then back to Sav.

"How long ago was this?" I asked.
"A month after Demi and I broke up"
"So nearly a year then?"

I entwined my fingers with Hayley's and smiled.

"Well I can't forgive one without forgiving the other, just don't let it happen again or I'll chop your fingers off"
"Don't worry it won't"
"Better not, now all this all crap she said is it true, well except the Ash part we know you fuck her on a daily basis"
"Weekly, come on dude get it right" she laughed.

"Oh I'm sorry" I smiled.
"Na for real, only the ally one is true I've never slept with Cam or Lauren"
"Didn't think you did but if you did that would have meant you slept with 3/5 of fifth harmony"
"Nope just 1/5" she laughed.

"Okay now the Demi deal, what's happening there, you two back together or what?"
"Uh no, Mani told me that she was parked out the front and that I should invite her in because obviously she's alone because her family are in Dallas"
"Fair enough and the presents?"
"They came the night before, the doorbell rang and by the time I got there whoever dropped them off had already left"
"You know you two belong together right?" Hayley asked.
"I agree" I added.
"Are you still in love with her?" Hayley pressed.
"Because it totally looked like it" I added.

"Yo chill, I haven't seen her in nine months and then suddenly she just pops up, my feelings are all over the place but there's definitely feelings still there but yeah I don't know" she sighed.
"Why not take things slow?" I asked.
"And by slow I actually mean slow, don't just straight back into dating, being a couple, go on dates, get to know each other all over again, do the things you missed out on last time because you both had to hide" I continued.
"I'll see what happens"
"Don't reject her anymore though, you've done that way to fucking much, if you're not interested just tell her" Hayley added and Sav nodded.

"Oh speak of the devil" I smiled and looked past Sav which made her turn around.
"DEMI!" I called out to catch her attention.
"No no don't" Sav protested but I ignored her.
"COME JOIN US!" Demi pointed to the counter and nodded.
"Oops?" I smiled innocently.

Demi ordered and got her drink and four chocolate muffins then joined us handing us each a muffin.

"No thanks I'm on a diet" I said.
"Oh uh, I didn't know"

Here We Go Again(Sequel to Only You)Where stories live. Discover now