Savannahs 21st

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February 10th

Demi's P.O.V

We just finished setting up for Sav's party, at the moment she's at Jays school for the bring your parent to work day, Sav was so excited when Jay asked her to come in for it. Apparently there is kids at school that tell Jayleigh that women can't be firefighters and she wants Sav to prove them wrong which is perfect timing.

"It looks amazing Demi, she will love it" Cas smiled as she stood next to me taking in the work we just did.
"Team work" I smiled.
"So what's the guitar and mic for" Cas nudged me.
"You'll see"

I walked around just to make sure everything is perfect, we ended up renting out a room at a restaurant for the party, and it looks amazing. There's fairy lights hanging everywhere and the decorations are white and ocean blue.

"How are we going to get Sav here without her getting suspicious?" Hayley questioned.
"Well I'm going to leave right now and Ashley's coming over and pretending to babysit Jay for the night so I can take Sav out for a romantic dinner, I'll bring her here and bam" I explained.

Hayley nodded then walked away with great difficulty, since the accident she's had to wear a moon boot around, we told her she didn't have to help setup but she insisted on doing it.

I made sure everything was okay before I headed home, I had to make sure it looks like I haven't left the house so I ordered a pizza and changed into sweats and a sports bra then made myself at home on the couch playing Xbox.

An hour later Sav arrived home and rolled her eyes then laughed when she seen me.

"You're a lazy shit"
"Hey! It's my day off, that means no work babe" I flashed a smile in her direction.

Sav laughed and went to put her stuff in the bedroom before joining me on the couch.

"How's my birthday girl?" I smiled because I know Sav thinks I forgot.
"Tired, six year olds are very annoying"
"Don't let Jay hear you Say that"
"Besides Jay of course"
"Nice save"

Sav leaned over me to reach the pizza sitting the other side of me.

"This is good" Sav spoke with her mouth full.
"Gross babe"
"You love me" she took another bite then quickly pecked my lips leaving pizza sauce on them.

I licked my lips then quickly took a bite of her slice of pizza.

"So I was thinking"
"God don't that, might cause some damage" Sav laughed so I hit her arm.
"As I was saying, Ashley is going to come over and is going to take Jay for the night and I'm taking you for a birthday dinner"
"Of course, it's a special day for you, I wanna treat you like you deserve to be treated"
"I love you" Sav straddled me and kissed me.

Her phone started ringing so she pulled away and answered it.

"Yes that's me"
"Oh hey" she smiled and I started kissing her neck.
"I'm g-good thanks, y-yourself?"
"That's g-great"
"Oh yeah, what did they say?" Sav pushed me back and put her phone on loudspeaker.
"I just put you on speaker so Demi can hear you"
"Hey Demi"
"Hey Brittany"
"So I've got some news, the owner got back to me about your offer"
"What did they say?" I asked impatiently.
"Well they've accepted your offer"
"No way!" A smile instantly grew on Sav's face.
"Just come in Monday and sign the papers and the place is yours" Brittany spoke.
"Thank you so much!"
"Just doing my job, enjoy the rest of your day"
"You too" Sav and I said at the same time.

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