3. Nightmares

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Adam's POV:

After Tommy had taken a shower he comes downstairs where I was waiting for him. I make sure that he's going to eat something, before I leave his house.

I feel so sorry for Tommy! He doesn't deserve something like that! At least he has me as someone he can always talk to. I understand, that he misses his girlfriend, but I'm quite glad she left him though.

I had met Liz only twice and we had never talked much, but if she had said something it was absolutely not nice! I know she always hated me. For being gay, for being Tommy's friend, for just being me. Once when Tommy wasn't listening she called me a fag. I really don't know what I did to her. At that time I wondered if she was afraid I could steal Tommy away from her. But why should I? I'm gay, he's not. There's nothing else to say.

Sometimes I wish Tommy was gay as well. I think he's cute and he deserves someone better than Liz. If I were his boyfriend I would never cheat on him! If I were his boyfriend......

Stop! I shouldn't even imagine that! Tommy is straight and he'll always be. I thought I was over it... well, obviously I'm not.

Why do I always have to fall for staight guys? And everytime it's disappointing when they tell you, they don't love you back. It really sucks! I keep it as a secret that I like Tommy. I hope he won't find out. He has enough problems anyway...

I finally reach my home and get in. I don't know what to do with the evening. I feel a little lonely. Maybe I should have stayed with Tommy? No, I rather see him tomorrow again. I guess he's fine.

And I still don't know what to do and I end up grabbing some food and lying down on the sofa while watching a movie. I don't remember much of it, it was boring. I fall asleep before it ends.

Tommy's POV:

I've never thought anyone could make me feel better, but Adam did. Of course he can't heal my broken heart, but at least he made me eat again. And it was really nice to talk about what happened. Adam is so kind and understanding. Sometimes I wish he was a girl.

Shit, I want to have a relationship again! I can't live alone, I need someone in my life!

And again I'm thinking about Liz. I thought she was the love of my life. A tear runs down my cheek. But than I remember what Adam said: 'No more crying'. He's right. Liz isn't worth any of my tears.

With this thought I go to bed and fall asleep soon.


I see Liz kissing a guy in front of me. "Babe, what are you doing?! Who's that?" I ask. She turns around, but doesn't give an answer. She only gets mad and yells:"I don't need you in my life anymore! Go away! I hate you!"

I try to calm her down, but she keeps yelling at me. "You're disturbing. Just leave. Just leave me life!!"
The guy she kissed says: "You heard what she said? Leave her life! Leave your life! It's so easy, Tommy!"He shows me a big sharp knife. "Here, you know what to do. No one's gonna miss you. It's the best for all of us!"
Suddenly we are surrounded by many people. They're coming closer and closer and shout: "Kill yourself! Kill yourself!"I stare at the knife in the man's hand. No I won't! Or maybe...

Suddenly Liz yelles: "If you won't do it, I'll do it for you!"She runs towards me, pushs me on the ground, grabs the knife and......


"Nooo! Please! Don't let me die!", I screamed. I wake up in panic and I realize that I'm in my bed. Omg it was just a dream. I sweat and I'm still scared as fuck. Tears running down my face.

That was the most terrifying nightmare I've ever had! It felt so real, I can still hear the voices screaming in my head! I want to get up, but I am so in panic, all I can do is grabbing my phone and call Adam's number...

Sry for the short chapter. The next will be longer again. Hope you liked it anyway:)

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