4. I need you

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This chapter is going to be a little psycho. Hope you like it!:)

xoxo Vanessa♥

Adam's POV:

It was about 3 am when my phone rings. Who could that be at this time? I was about to reject the call, as I consider that maybe there is an emergency. So I grab my phone and answer the call.

"Hello?", I ask sleepy. I only hear someone sobbing quietly.

"Adam, can you please come immediately? I'm so scared!"

"Tommy? What happened? Are you at home? Are you okay?

"I'll tell you later. Please come! I need you!" , he sobs again and then hangs up.

My head is full of questions. What happened to Tommy? Why is he scared? Did someone hurt him?

I jump off the sofa. I'll find out. If Tommy needs my help, I'll be there for him!

I run into the hallway where I put on my boots quickly. Then I grab a leather jacket, leave the house and jump into my car. As fast as I can I drive to Tommy's house.

Tommy's POV:

I can't move. I'm still terrified. I hope Adam will be here soon!

I sweat. It's so hot in here! And I'm so thirsty! Maybe I should get some water in the kitchen.

I get up and open my door. I try to walk downstairs as quietly as I can, although I know that there's no one else in the house.

It's dark, I haven't turned the lights on. It's not a good idea to walk downstairs in the dark! When I realize that, it's already too late. I trip and fall down the last few steps. I want to cling to the wall, but all I do is throwing down a glass framed picture that was hanging on the wall. It shatters on the floor. I lie on my belly and try to move my head. It hurts. Some glass splinters stuck in my left hand. I feel blood running down.

I groan as I try to get up. Then I look at the shattered picture next to me. It's a photo of Liz and me. I scare when I see her face. Although we look so happy in the photo, I'm afraid. Afraid of Liz. The nightmare comes in my mind again. She and her lover wanted me to kill myself. She wanted to kill me. They all wanted me to be dead.

Suddenly I hear voices. I don't know if they're real or still only in my head. Am I going to be crazy?
I hear some noise coming from my front door. I don't care who that is, I just want to run away! Is this a nightmare again? My whole life is a nightmare!

I run to my back door in panic and leave the house. I don't care if it's cold outside and that I have no shoes on. At the moment I just want to forget about everything. Forget about Liz. Forget about my whole fucking life!

I run and run down the street. I live on the edge of the city so there are almost no cars. I run until I stop at a bridge. I go to the railing and look down. Some years ago there was a river beneath the bridge, but it has dried out. Now there are only cliffs.

I start to think about my shitty life again. Since Liz cheated on me the day before yesterday everything seems to not make sense anymore. Life makes no sense anymore. I'm alone, scared to death and I'm crying again.

In my dream I was told to kill myself. Liz told me in reality to just leave. Maybe she's right. Maybe I should just end it. I mean, who's going to miss me? I look down again. It's only one jump, one second, and everything will be over. And I will never feel this pain again.

Adam's POV:

I get out of the car. Before I reach the front door I already shout out Tommy's name. I don't know why, but I don't use the doorbell, I just take the second key out of the plant and get in. In his house everything was silent. I turn on the lights and right away I saw something shattered on the floor in front of the stairs.

I come closer. It was a picture of Liz and Tommy. Why is it shattered? AND WHY IS THERE BLOOD ON THE FLOOR? Omg he's hurt! What happened?

"Tommy? Where are you? Are you hurt?", I shout. No answer.

Then I realize that his back door is ajar. I open it and only see a shadow running at the end of the street. Tommy? Why is he running away? Because of me? There's no time to think, I just follow him as fast as I can.

I can barely see him in the distance. After one minute of running I lose the sight of him. Oh shit, I need to find him! I keep running until I can see a bridge. I'm getting slower, because I need a breather.

I take a deep breath as I see a man standing on the edge of the bridge with his back to the railing. Looks like he wants to jump now.

"No, please don't!!", I yell and come closer. "TOMMY??"

It was him! Why does he want to jump? I run towards him and try to grab his arm, but he pulls back.

"Adam, don't! Please go, I don't want you to watch that."

"Do you wanna jump?! Are you crazy? You can't to this to me! What happened, that you want to take yourself away? I mean okay, your girlfriend left, but that's not really a reason for suicide!?"

Tommy stays silent and ignores me. He just looks down at the cliffs.

"Tommy..." I beginn.

"You don't know anything. You thought everything's okay again. It's not!"

"I know. But now I'm here! Let's go home and talk about everything and find a solution. I wanna help you!"

"You can't."

Tommy is still staring down, while tears are running down his face. I'm so worried about him. I didn't know that he suffers that much. At least he doesn't seem to be so sure anymore, whether he should jump. I try again:

"When you jump, it will break my heart! Do you know how much you mean to me? I would do anything, but please, please don't fucking jump!"

After I've said that, Tommy turns around slowly and looks into my eyes.

"Really?" He wants to know.

I nodd with tears in my eyes.
Finally climbs back over the railing. Then he slowly walks towards me, becomes faster and falls into my arms. I breathe with relief. Tommy sobbs quietly in my embrace.

"It's okay. Everything's gonna be alright! Just never think about doing that again!"

He nodds and I take him home. On the way he tells me everything about his nightmare, that he fell down the stairs and shattered the picture and about the voices he heard, which was probably only me, when I came.

At home I first nurse the wounds on Tommy's left hand, then I take him right to bed. He seems to be very exhausted and tired. Tomorrow is another day to talk.

After I've covered Tommy with a blanket I sit down next to him on the bed to sing him into sleep.

Just don't give up,
I'm working it out.
Please don't give in,
I won't let you down!

Only a few minutes later he falls asleep. I lay down next to him carefully. I'm so glad, he's safe now! What if I wouldn't have been able to protect him from jumping tonight? I can't imagine life without Tommy. I need him.

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