7. More than a friend

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Tommy's POV:

I didn't mean to hurt him, I really don't! I guess it was right to send him home though. I couldn't have pretended that I'm gay and I love him any longer. Adam needed to know the truth, it's better for me and for him.

I go back to the living room, grab my guitar and play for a while. I miss Adam singing along...
If he's mad at me? Probably only disappointed. I broke his heart I guess...

I grab my phone and was about the call Adam, when I put it back on the table. I can't call him now. If I want to safe our friendship I should give him a little time.

I decided to throw the pictures of Liz Adam collected in my trashcan instead.

When I eat lunch later I was sitting alone at the table. There was missing something, someone... Adam.


"Please! Leave me alone! Nooo!..." I screamed.

It was 2 am. I had a nightmare again. I sweat and try not to cry again. It was only a dream, Tommy. I can't even remember what exactly happened, but it was awful. I feel lonely.

I've just realized that the first person I thought of after the nightmare was Adam. Why can't he be here now? Because he's disappointed in you, jerk!
I shouldn't think about Adam that often and rather go to sleep again.


"I love you!" "I love you too, Adam!" I said until our lips collided. Adam slips his tongue between my lips and I return the kiss passionately. Then our kisses became harder, I bite his bottom lip.
Adam pulls me onto the bed. He smiles. "Since you're not straight anymore, there so many things I can show to you!"


I wake up again. Now it's 3 am. That dream was strange. Even stranger is the fact, that I woke up with a boner. What does that mean? And what does the dream mean? Since your not straight anymore... wtf, I AM straight!

It's the first time I'm not sure about that anymore. Maybe Adam was right the whole time...
I did like our kisses. I could never deny that, was just too insecure, because I've never loved a man before.

But what if... maybe I might not be gay, doesn't mean I have to be straight. I'll find out more later, first I have to solve my other little problem. So I grab my erection and pump it.
When I came I catch me while thinking about Adam. Now I'm sure: He is more than a friend to me!

I open my laptop and try to find out more about different sexualities. I thought about, wether I could be bisexual, but probably I'm not, because Adam is the only man I'm attracted to.

Mainly being attracted to the opposite sex, but in some cases attracted to same sex

That sounds more like me. Maybe that's what I am. I'll think about that tomorrow, I'm to tired now! I shut my laptop, put it away and lay down in my bed again.

Next day I had to get up early, because we have band practice. I'm so looking forward to tell Adam how I feel. What will his reaction be like?

Adam's POV:

I tried as hard as I can to forget about Tommy, but I can't. I think about him every minute.
'We'll never be more than friends!'
When I remember how he said that to me, it feels like someone stabbed my heart. It is so much pain.

On the other hand I don't want to lose Tommy as a friend. He was the best friend I've ever had.
I'll see him later at the band practice anyway. I should talk to him and apologize to safe our friendship.


When I arrive at the band practice, everyone was already there except Tommy. Maybe he's still mad at me and won't even come.

The door opens.

"Hey, guys! Sorry I'm late!"

Tommy comes in. Ashley walks towards him and hugs him.

"Never mind!"

Then Tommy looks at me for a moment, but doesn't come closer to hug me or something. Aren't we friends anymore?

"Hey! Can we talk later?" I asked quitely.

"Sure. I have to tell you something anyway. But let's start practicing now."

I nodd and try to smile at him. Tommy turns around to take his guitar. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Wait! Are you mad at me?"

Tommy turns his head around.

"No, don't worry."

I'm very relieved to hear that!
We started to practice some new songs. I try to concentrate on singing, but I also can't stop wondering what Tommy is going to tell me.

I hope you liked this chapter:) I guess the story will end soon...

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