Chapter 3 The Religion Demonstration That Went Wrong

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The craziest thing happened during religion class. Since Mrs. Mclaughlin was absent, we had a substitute. Her name has Mrs. Catogio.

So we were talking about our relationships with God. Mrs. Catogio stood up because she was going to give a demonstration. She went to the door and said "This is your relationship with God when you do not go to penance."

12:20 - She stands outside and slams the door. She started turning the knob and she couldn't get back in! She was pounding on the door trying to get back in. The kids were trying to pull the door, but we couldn't get it open.

12:27 - The other teachers notice what was going on. Everybody starts getting nervous. We opened the windows and turned on the fan.

12:32 - The maintenance men come up to the second floor. Still no progress. I take out my water bottle (which has a built-in spritzer) and start offering it to my classmates.

12:37 - We found a screwdriver. The boys unscrew the doorknob. Two of my friends start to have panic attacks.

12:40 - The maintenance men start to push the door with all of their might. This was cutting into our recess time.

12:41 - Progress is being made. Everybody is stepping away from the door.

12:42 - The maintenance men throw their bodies against the door and broke in! Everybody was rejoicing! The mayhem was over!

After we all got the giggles out, we put all of our books away and went out to recess. Wow, that's a yearbook moment!

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