Chapter 5 Spirit Day

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Spirit Day is when we show our school spirit by competing in different events and showing good sportsmanship. There are two teams: the brown team and the gold team. The gold team has had a six-year winning streak against the brown. I have been on the brown team since I was four years old. This year, we all decided to step up our game for one last time. This was going to be our last Spirit Day at our school.

The pressure was on both teams to win because this is the win that everybody is going to remember. This is our last chance to prove that we are a force to be reckoned with.

Every year, each team gets a new mascot. This year, they happen to be M&M's.

So our events were dodgeball (with some different rules, we call it "pin dodge" because we are also trying to knock down pins), tug-of-war, and dancing (which doesn't count in the score). For the dance, we did "Watch Me" by Silentó.

Pin dodge begins. You can feel the intensity of the game from a mile away. We were throwing balls like crazy and you could never predict who was going to win. For the pin dodge, the gold team won.

Now, the brown team is undefeated when it comes to tug-of-war. We go up to the rope and get the tightest grip on it.

"Ready, set, GO!" We start pulling as hard as we can. We are moving our feet while trying to keep our balance. Both teams are screaming "Pull! Pull! Pull!" We all pulled a little bit harder for one last time. We didn't give up. I'm starting to get tired, but the gym teacher announced that the brown team has won tug-of-war! We all go to hug each other and take in the victory.

The final event is dance. Keep in mind that this does not count in the score. We only had two rehearsals (and most of my class does not have any rhythm whatsoever).

Anyways, the gym teacher turns on "Watch Me" by Silentó and we all got into place. We start to whip and nae nae on turbo mode (or shall I say I was the only one on turbo). This dance was the exercise version of the dance. It consisted on jumping jacks, kickboxing, lounges, high knees, and push-ups. Somehow, I convinced Mrs. McLaughlin to dance with us. In my opinion, we all did pretty good, but I know one thing for was fun!

After we get settled down, our gym teacher goes to announce the winner of the whole school.

"And the winner is...THE BROWN TEAM!!!" All we could do is scream and hug each other. We were overjoyed! Our first victory in six years! We are going to leave our school being the champions of Spirit Day!

But, at the end of the day, we are all winners. The other half of our class lost. It's not fair to them. We are all number one in my eyes.

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