Chapter 4 "Thrilling Thursday"

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"Thrilling Thursday" is when the eighth graders get a free dress down and the last period in the afternoon free to do whatever we want. That means that we can play music, play games, talk to our friends, and made our way around the classroom (they used to have a ping-pong table but the past eighth graders broke it).

Anyways, it just so happened that graduation pictures were the same day, so we got to change our clothes at school. No pressure, just the fact that this photo will be in your yearbook, and your classmates will look back on that one photo 25 years later.

All we really did was get Snapple, talk, and play on our phones. It was better than sitting there and learning about the Civil War.

By the way, we usually have "Fabulous Friday" instead, but we had class pictures the same day, so we had to wear our uniforms to school.

Maybe next time, something interesting will happen. Who knows?

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