Apple Interviews

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Welcome, fellow writers and readers!

This month, I had the honor of interviewing an absolutely brilliant author here on Wattpad. Personally, he is one of my favorites, and his name on Wattpad is ThenColmSaid. Down below, you will find all of his fantastic answers to the interview, so keep your computer, phone, or tablet close and enjoy!


Cherry Pop Magazine: How were you in school?

ThenColmSaid: I wasn't very academic. I'm very easily distracted from things I'm not extremely interested in and tend to have just spent most of my time looking out the window dreamily. Truthfully, I never really stood out too prominently but got on well with everyone. I suppose I was quite quiet and shy, but loud enough to make a good group of great friends, a collection of geeky and sporty mates because we'd all spend our weekends getting drunk under a bridge and that sort of cemented us together all of these years into an odd looking motley crew.

CPM: Were there any classes that you enjoyed more so than others?

TCS: I only ever really enjoyed English Literature, it was the only thing I was good at and heavily invested in. And Art because I had a decent hand and I loved how wacky the teacher was. And History, because to me it was just older stories. I never enjoyed P.E when it involved sports games. I don't know if you're familiar with Hurley, but its an old Gaelic game played in a field with bats. Me and my friend Eamon used to just spend our time using them like lightsabers on the sidelines rather than chasing after the ball with the rest of the lads. I come from a very small and very backward Irish town and looking back, I have no idea how I escaped from not being bullied relentlessly for being a bit odd and having long shaggy hair and hanging around with older rocky shaggy haired friends who smoked, which deterred from what was seen as normality. The random yells in the street of 'get y'er hair cut!' to anyone with hair longer than shaved to the scalp was their version of the 'Burn the witch' chants.

CPM: What were your ambitions in school and how did they change (if they did)?

TCS: My ambitions were like my hairstyles then. It changed dramatically and occasionally. From wanting to be an actor, regardless of how nervous I was on stage and never actually being in any school plays or clubs or actually any good at it. To wanting to be a director, regardless if I actually had any interest in cinematography. I knew that I wanted to be apart of a creative profession, which is why I went on to do Media and Film Studies in College and then at University. I never enjoyed it. I was set to do Scriptwriting in my second year but unfortunately, they removed it from the course the summer before I was due back. The truth was, I always wanted to be a writer but I never thought myself good enough to actually be one professionally. I never had the gonads to go study Creative Writing at University. Funnily enough, it never came into my mind through all of those years that it was that which I had always wanted to be, and sort of building up to be through all those silly ideas, until it was too late to study. Though, I don't know if i regret not studying Creative Writing or English Literature in comparison to the friends I made taking a course I'll never make use out of, but I suppose writing is mostly self-taught.

CPM: What are your ambitions now?

TCS: I still want to be an author. Its all i'll ever want to be. I think i'm only understanding now that there is a small chance that I could be one. I'm actually finally getting the courage and the confidence to start sending my stuff out or at least research and prepare to. I think through the Wattpad website, it's sort of giving me a massive push. I've realised through it that there are actually at least some people out there who want to hear my stories. I've always been a dreamer and I'm glad that I haven't lost that yet.

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